
Despite what Ron had said about getting you back, it hasn't happened yet.  Every time Ron would try to get close to you to talk, you'd walk away with Draco's Slytherin friends, who you've been spending more and more time with.  Following your and Ron's breakup and his eventual regret, Hermione has become more and more desperate to be in a relationship with Ron.  The scandal of having Ron be a cheater and the prospect of you catching them together gone, the lack of excitement in her life has started to get to her.  

"Please, Ron!  Forget about y/n!  She's with Malfoy now!" Hermione groans.  "Besides, I'm right here to give you company!  Y/n can't be bothered with any of us anymore!"

"No, Hermione.  I gotta get her back.  In the time I cheated on her, I forgot how much I loved her and how happy she made me feel.  I regret cheating on her with you.  It wasn't fair to her and it was wrong," Ron sighs, staring across the hall at the Slytherin table where Draco's band of friends and y/n are watching Crabbe balance spoons on his face.  

"Forget about them.  they're idiots," Hermione sighs.  "Y/n is, too,"

"Don't talk about her like that!' Ron snaps, returning to his pile of chicken wings.  Hermione sighs, pulling out her Arithmancy book.  

"You know Ron...," Hermione begins again, but Ron snaps and they begin to squabble and argue loudly.  Across the Great Hall, Pansy Parkinson scoffs at the sight of y/n holding hands with Draco.  Looking at the Gryffindors, she gets an idea and stands up.

"Where are you going, Pansy?" one of her girlfriends asks.  She ignores her and walks over to Ron.  

"What do you want, Parkinson?" Hermione spits, noticing Pansy's presence.  

"I wanted to talk to blood traitor Weasley, Mudblood," she replies devilishly.  "So.  You lost y/n to my Drakie-Poo.  A sad sob story, Weasley."

"Go away, Parkinson," Ron groans.

"Well!  I guess you don't wanna hear what I have to offer.  I was going to offer to help us both and make this have a happy ending, you with y/n and me with my one and only!" Pansy sighs.  "Well then... Since you don't wanna hear my plan for splitting them up, fine.  I'll just..."

"Wait!" Ron says quickly, standing up.  "I want to hear!"

"Come with me," Pansy smirks, leading Ron out of the hall to divulge her plan.

"Draco...," you whisper to your boyfriend, pointing to Pansy and Ron as the disappear.  "Look.  Weird, huh?  I wonder what she's up to."

Draco shrugs. "It's nothing, y/n.  Don't worry about your ex.  He can do what he pleases."

You nod and rest your head on Draco's shoulder softly.  Theodore Nott from across the table makes a kissy face and Blaise jokes around saying, "Oh, Draco I love you!"

You along with the other Slytherins laugh, finally feeling like you belong somewhere.


Grumbling, you head up to breakfast two days later.  You had spent the entire night studying for an upcoming potions exam, which you were dreading.  You sit down at your usual spot and pull out your book to try to cram in a bit more.  Draco sits next to you and kisses your cheek.  You smile in return and lean into his chest.  Ron and the rest of the trio enter the great hall and sit at the Gryffindor table, Ron making suyre he can get a clear view of you. Unexpectedly, Pansy sits across from you.  She gasps.

"Y/n!  you look awful!  look at all those lines and wrinkles, not to mention those bags under your eyes!" she sighs.  "Ah.  Where did your youth go?"

"Shove off, Pansy," Draco hisses.  Pansy shrugs. 

"Drink something, y/n.  You'll feel better," Pansy says, handing you a glass of water.  You roll your eyes and take it from her, bringing the glass to your lips.  Suddenly, Draco lunges toward you, knocking the glass out of your hand swiftly.

"Draco!"  you gasp.  "What?!"

Draco raises his hands in apology and then points down to the contents of the glass splattered all over the table.  It's not water.  It's a very runny liquid that's tinted a dark green colour.  With a spoon, Draco scoops some up and raises it to his nose, sniffing. 

"Just what I thought.  It's a potion," he scoffs.  "Parkinson, get away from y/n and me!" 

"What?" you gasp.

"Yeah.  We just happened to learn about these potions last week.  They're anger inducing potions that cause the drinkers to become so angry, they have an urge to destroy every relationship with anyone they have.  Friendships, family relationships, even feuds.  The potion leaves the drinker in such a fragile state they'll do anything to make amends with the world, even talking to someone they hate and taking their advice.  I know what you were after Pansy.  You wanted to destroy what y/n and I have," Draco says through gritted teeth.

"So what if I did!  Draco, she's using you!" Pansy cries.  Draco raises his hand to her mouth.  

"Go away, Pansy," Draco says, standing up with you.  "AND YOU SAY OUT OF OUR RELATIONSHIP, TOO. WEASLEY!" 

Ron suddenly sits bolts upright and starts to shake at Draco's words.  He flees the great hall, whimpering.  Pansy leaves, too.  You wrap your arms around Draco and sigh.

"Thanks for saving my ass," you smile. 

"No problem, love.  It's part of my jobs as your boyfriend to do everything and anything for you," he replies, kissing you tenderly on the cheek.   "Come on, let's prepare for this exam now."

You smile and sit back down, serving Draco and yourself breakast, alughing and chatting, just like it's supposed to be.


A/N:  This chapter was 1,460 words long!  Thanks for reading!  Lune Pt. 2 Coming up next!

- Soiea

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