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Lance's POV:
I walked into a room unsuspectingly, since the door was open, about to ask Keith if he wanted to help me train. I felt like I was in rough shape, so I wanted to help myself out a little. But what I walked into shocked me. I saw Keith sitting there, jerking off as he was moaning my name. I blushed, unable to unsee what I just witnessed. I tried to come up with some sort of witty comment to lighten the mood, but my jaw was hanging on the floor and my mind was currently empty.

"K-Keith...? What are y-you doing...?"

Keith POV
I stop dead on my tracks processing the voice I just heard. Nope. I refuse to believe it's him. I slowly turn my head to the sound of the voice, my hand still wrapped around my deflated cock. Fuck me! I'm so screwed. I look at Lance who is staring at me with his jaw hanging wide open. I give him a small smile. He stares back trying to come up with something to say. I wait. And wait. And wait. Waiting for him to say something about the situation he walked in on. I'm going to admit this. I have it bad for Lance. The fact that he walked in on me, masturbating while calling out his name, and me fantizing about him tieing me up on a bed and making me call him master is not something I was expecting. But at least he doesn't know about my kink. I mentioned I can't blame him if he's shocked. He could be masturbating in his room for all I know. I stare at Lance.
"Can you say something."

Lance's POV:
I closed the door behind me after standing there for some time. I didn't want anyone to see him while he was doing this. What the quiznack did he think he was doing? "U-um.. I was going to ask if you could help me stretch a little and train with me, but... it seems like you're... occupied.. doing something else... at the moment." I had to admit, he looked pretty handsome. He appeared to be sweating, which came as no surprise to me. But I just walked in on him doing his thing, so I figured that it'd be respectful if I just left. I started to head toward the door, then stopped...

Keith's POV
I see Lance heading out, but then he stops. I watch patiently as he stand in front of the door. He tilts his head up, and looks at me. I stare into his ocean blue eyes. His eyes linger on me for a minute and he looks down and back up at me. We stare at each for what seems like forever. Then he opens his mouth.

"Do you...uh..need help?"
He stuffs his hands in his pockets and looks at the ground. I look at where my hand is and look back at him.
"Sure I guess..."

Lance's POV:
I couldn't help but to stare at him. Stare at his... everywhere. This couldn't be happening... could it? Keith, the one who was mature about everything? Keith, the one who was always one-upping me? I... I was astounded by the whole situation. And he was moaning my name too... MY NAME!! I felt my face grow hot as I kept looking at him. He seemed so calm, yet aroused... he was turning me on... but no, that's not possible! I'm straight, and I always will be! I like girls! Not Keith! Right...? Now I was starting to question my sexuality... why was he turning me on so much...? This wasn't fair... I wanted to run out and tell everyone and finally get revenge, but... I couldn't...

It was growing awkward, and the tension was unbearable, so I decided to speak up again. "I just... um... need help training...! That's all...!"

Keith's POV
I look down at the floor. Why would he even agree to help me. He doesn't even like me like I do. I try not look at him as I zip up my jeans and stand up. He flinches a little as I walk past him and out the door. I can feel his eyes on me as I walk. I will never hear the end of this if he tells anyone. Ughhh! Stupid Lance and his stupid looks. His stupid voice. Stupid pretty eyes. I really do have it bad for that gorgeous boy. The boy who doesn't even like boys. I walk faster to my room, trying to forget today's events. I can feel my tears threaten to come. But I shake my head and take deep breaths. I make to my room. But as soon as I hit the bed. I sob I to my pillow.

Lance's POV:
I felt guilty. I let him down, didn't I? God, I'm so stupid. I mean, that's what he always tells me, and I knew I was, but why did I have to be...? He was a great friend, even if it seemed like I hated him. I really did care about him. Just... not in that way... shit, I need to stop lying to myself. Anyways, I ran after him. Even though I was stubborn most of the time, I wanted to help. I arrived at his room and opened the door, since it was unlocked, keeping quiet. I spoke in a soft tone, "Keith? I'm sorry..." I saw him sobbing into his bedsheets. "I won't tell anyone, I promise. And I need to tell you something, too..."

Keith's POV
I lay still on the bed, my face still buried in the pillow. What would Lance want to tell me. I hear foot come near me, and the sample creak of the bed indicating that Lance had sat down next to me. I feel a soothing hand rub my back and I flinched at the touch. Lance takes his hand off.

"No," I whisper, "keep it there."
With my face buried to the pillow I don't know what Lance's reaction is but I want to see. I turn my head to the side and press my cheek agasint my damp pillow while Landes hand rubs gently down my back.
"Can I speak now?" He whispers.

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