Chapter 4

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"I have a daughter, and me and her father met during our time at Beacon. I never thought I'd fall for him, but I did... however, he is in love with my bestfriend... well ex bestfriend."

She started to talk but chocked up when she said ex bestfriend.

I put a hand around her waist and pulled her closer to me, she tensed up but like when I'd first met her she seemingly relaxed into my embrace.

"Just continue when you're ready."

I smiled at the broken woman that was in my arms, she was simply heartbroken. However from what I'd gathered, she was the type to love anyone, so the fact that she'd loved this man, made him very special.

"Y-you see... marriage, that was what made me leave. My brother brought it up between me and this man, he brushed it off however when him and my bestfriend was brought up... marriage was the only thing on his mind. I snapped..."

Ah, that's why she'd flinched when I joked about marriage, everything was coming together.

"He's having another child, his one with me wasn't enough... him and Summer!" She got angry and accidently spilled one of the names.

However, I'd already worked out who they all were.

Tai, the father.

Qrow, the brother.

Summer, the ex bestfriend.

I knew all about her friends but I hadn't heard about her daughter before.

"Tell me about your Daughter?" I said, trying to do anything to cheer her up.

Raven wiped her tears away and stared at me for a moment, before she spoke up.

"Her name is Yang, and she's 1..." Raven gave off a large smile and she stared at the door of my tent, deep in thought.

"That's a pretty name." I made a mental note to remeber that name, if she had Tai and Raven's genes she was going to become a powerful Huntress one day.


We sat and talked for what seemed like hours, never really talking about anything disheartening anymore.

We dodged every topic that would make Raven upset again, I talked about my life and one of my greatest stories.

"-and when I turned a corner I saw Ironwood kissing Glynda Goodwitch!"

I was at Atlas trying to steal some interesting documents and saw that happening.

The funniest part was, their reaction when they saw me... I was dressed in an Atlas Military uniform and they were too embarrassed to do anything else but run away from each other.

It was hilarious.

Raven sat laughing with me, wiping happy tears from her eyes this time.

"Sorry for staying for so long, it's getting late." Raven stood up but was pulled back down again my the arm I had around her waist still.

Raven turned bright red and pulled my arm off her and twisted it around.

"Ow ow ow ow." I muttered and she got up close to me and whispered into my ear.

"Don't try anything funny." And she let go.

I sighed in relief and she left the tent without another word.

When she swung open the door I finally noticed how dark it had gotten.

"Thanks Y/N."

I heard her mutter that underneath her breath as her back disappeared into the night.

I stretched my shoulder out, trying to help it recover after she'd twisted it so badly.

"I was only being nice..."


It was the next morning and I had a suprise visitor...

"Vernal, what a suprise." I tried to be as polite as possible because she was really not happy to see me.

"I've been told to bring you to Raven's tent... however I understand you're in need of new clothes from home." She was fidgeting with her blades.

"That's true, I'm wearing my only other outfit."

I was wearing a black jumper, had a grey beanie on my head, and loose jeans too.

"Well, we'll discuss more in Raven's tent." She walked away, clearly wanting to say something more than she had.

Me being me, wanted to tease the hell out of her.

"So Vernal, got yourself a boyfriend?" I causally asked and saw Vernal go red, quickly waving her hands around.

"No, never, no!"

"Oh, so you're into girls then, I'm fully accepting of your choices." I teased and I could see the heat building up in her head.

"No! I'm into guys!"

I had to try really hard not to laugh, her reaction was priceless.

"Ah, Y/N, stop teasing poor Vernal." The woman from yesterday walked over to us and we stopped in our tracks.

"Sorry love, her reactions are way to adorable." I joked and Vernal scowled. "See." I patted her head and headed off ahead of them.


"Raven, your knight in the grey beanie has arrived." I made my grand entrance and saw Raven sat staring at a plan on a table.

"Ah Y/N." She barely looked up at me as I walked over and stood next to her.

"What's this?" It looked like a map of something... actually that's Beacon!

"This is the maps of Beacon Academy, I left something very valuable there." She ran her finger along a corridor that led to the dorm rooms.

"So, you are going to sneak in and collect it? Why don't you just ask Ozpin."

"What I left technically isn't mine..." She mutters as Vernal walks into the tent.

"Your late, tut tut." I tease and get slapped on the shoulder by Raven.

"Will you stop with your incessant teasing, it ridiculous." She scowled and I felt a momentary panic before regaining myself.

"Yeah, not gonna happen, why am I here anyway?" I retorted and Vernal sighed.

"You're here because you're literally the master thief."

Oh, was that literally it?

"Well then, I'll be leaving." I started to leave before I felt a burning sensation appear right behind me. I sidestepped and Vernal hit the floor, her blade covered in fire. "Seriously?"

Raven has a deadly serious look on her face and she stared me dead in the eye.

"Y/N, I need your help to get this, please help us."

Fuck off, don't get me into this.

That's what I should have said.

What actually come out of my mouth was: "Fine, fill me in with the details."


Sorry for no update for a while, I've been obsessed with this game called 'Magium'

I recommend it to anyone, it's on whatever app store you have so download it now!

It's literally all I've been playing for a week (besides going to school because exams -_-)

This isn't sponsored either btw.

Oblivion, fading out.

Raven Branwen x Criminal Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now