Chapter 3

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Well, I'm not going to lie I didn't expect my idea to work.

I really thought that I was going to get attacked by Raven and probably killed where I stood.

I probably could've escaped, I mean I'm untraceable when I'm a ghost, but they know my face, and that's never good.

But I didn't have to worry about that for now, I was to become an 'instructor' for the people in this Clan.

Well, Tribe, I was told it's proper title by Raven when she took me to the tent I'd be staying in.

I'm now just lay on my bed trying to figure out how the hell I got here.

If I hadn't been such a softy for crying girls, I wouldn't have been caught. Life would've been easier.


Raven looked so sad, it was as if she'd never cried before, she just didn't seem to be able to stop.

However as soon as she stepped outside everything about her demeanor changed, all hurt was thrown out of the window.

Except for when I mentioned marriage...

Raven, you've got my interest.

I stood up and stepped outside, my bag was rested against the tent with a note on top.

Sorry about knocking you out, here's all your stuff. Oh and your knife has been cleaned.

The handwriting seemed neat and nothing more really needed to be said, I took the bag and threw it on my bed, taking the knife that'd been placed in the side pocket and sheathed it.

Opening the bag completely, I distributed some of the items I'd brought around my new tent.

I had only brought on spare pair of clothes though... I'd have to go back home or get my plan finished in two days...

Yeah wasn't happening, I needed to gain there trust slowly.

I finally took out the chocolate I'd brought and I stepped outside of my tent once again.

I felt everyone's eyes on me as I started exploring, seeing the tribe up close was so different to studying it from atop the cliff.

Children running around, families shopping together, and running stalls in the marketplace.

It seemed like such a tightly nit group, however a lot of adults seemed on edge, like something was bothering them.

"Excuse me, sir." A young woman called out to me and I stopped and turned towards her.

"How can I help?" I asked and she seemed to fidget around a lot.

"Um..." Was all she could muster.

"It's okay, take your time." I smiled as kindly as I could at her and she gave a large smile back.

However whatever she wanted to ask was cut off by the introduction of a third party.

"Valery!" The girl infront of me spun around on her heels to look at the girl running towards us, we'll limping.

"Vernal, you should be in bed!" Valery exclaimed.

"So we meet again, Vernal." I smiled at the fake maiden running towards us, who glared at me as soon as she realised who I was.

"WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE!?" Vernal shouted, drawing a crowd.

"Because I'm here to haunt you." I joked but she just took out her weapon. "Seriously, I'm aloud to be here, calm down."

She didn't listen and charged at me again, I didn't want to hurt her anymore so I ducked under her swipe and flicked her earlobe.

"Do you know what listening is? You should learn how to do it." Valery laughed as I said this, and I cheered. "Finally someone that laughed at my joke."

Vernal was seething but retraced her weapon.

"I'm part of this Tribe from now on." I smiled at the girl and she gasped.

"Raven accepted a scum like you!" She ran off to... I'm not sure, I still feel lost in this place.

I realised I still had my chocolate bar but there was only a quarter of it left.

I walked over to Valery and handed it too her. "It's not much but consider it thanks for laughing at my very funny jokes."

I'd noticed whilst walking that this Tribe had zero confectionary stands, there was no sweets.

Nope, that wasn't gonna cut it, I needed some sweets, add that to my list of things to bring when I come back.

I walked away and just kept wondering around, before realising. "She never told me what she wanted."


I was lay back in my tent, it was currently getting late, it must have been around 7 or 8 pm at the moment.

I would check my phone but it died from me playing games on it.

There was no clock in my tent, actually there was barely anything.

A bed, a desk with a mirror, and a wardrobe.

That was it, the only other thing in the room was my things, which wouldn't really help me unless I was raiding this place.

"Y/N." A voice I immediately recognised called from outside.

"Come in." I replied not moving from the bed.

Raven strutted in alone, I thought someone else would've come with her for... safety reasons.

"What can I do for you?" I asked.

"You never got a proper answer as to why I was crying before and well I felt bad for it." This was so unlike Raven...

I got the feeling she'd have been more... reserved?

The entire situation seemed weird, but I curiosity stopped my from questioning, I slowly sat up eyeing her in confusion.

I patted next to me and she hesitantly came and sat next to me. I stared out and she took in a few deep breaths before continuing.


Find out why she was crying, next time!

Sorry, it's late and I want to get this out by tonight so that part will come either tomorrow or the day after.

Oblivion, fading out.

Raven Branwen x Criminal Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now