Chapter 2

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"The master thief is right here..." She stood tall, with a hand straight out, pointing her sword at me. "I'd say it's an honour, but I'd be lying."

"Wow, your tone sounds harsh, but I can still see the tears rolling down your cheeks."

There was no new tears, I'd lied, but she still panicked and reached for her cheeks.

I took the chance and disarmed Raven with a swift kick to the wrist. Her sword clattered to the ground.

No words were spoken for a few moments, my hands stayed in my pockets and I rocked back and forth on my heels.

I was safe, whatever happened I could just turn into a ghost and avoid her.

Though something I hadn't anticipated happened...

Someone else joined the fight.

All I felt was a thud to the back of my head and I blacked out...


I awoke with a fricking large headache.

However it didn't take me long to gather my bearings, and I found myself in a cage.

Dangling from a rope.

In the middle of the camp.

"You have to be kidding me."

"Look who's awake." A burley man spoke up, I didn't have a clue who he was, and honestly, I didn't give a flying fuck.

"Can I come down now?" I asked nicely and the entirely of the clan laughed at me.

So I got down myself.

Once I landed safely on the ground and turned human again I stretched, thankful for being out of the cage.

"Hmm." I gasped as I loosened my shoulder muscles ignoring the suprised looks of those around me. "I'm a God Damn wanted criminal, you expect me to be kept in a cage?"

A few muttered between themselves, others just spared blankly at me.

I simply sighed and sat down in one of the chairs that was scattered around.

"Do any of you know where my bag went? It had food in it." I rubbed my stomache and laughed, however the big man from earlier didn't seem impressed.

"You son of a bitch!" He charged at me and I kept looking away from him, however I knew exactly where he was.

I wouldn't even need my sebelance to fight this guy, he swung a large hammer down onto where I was sitting and I literally just stood up.

No fancy tricks, I stood up and he missed me by a hair and I kicked him in the balls.

All the time not removing my hands from my pockets.

This man came crashing down, and I rested my foot on top of his fallen body.

"So, anyone else want to tango? I mean, dancing is really fun." I pretended to dance by myself but nobody seemed impressed. "Suit yourself, anyone seen Raven?"

The entire Clan seemed to part like the red Sea.

And guess who walked directly down the aisle inbetween, Raven herself.

"OMG, it's her. Can I have your autograph?!" I shouted like a Fangirl and ran towards her.

Again nobody laughed.

About half way to Raven I stopped and looked around. "Do none of you like jokes? Y'all are boring, once I rob y'all I'm outta here."

I said the last part to myself and luckily nobody heard.

"Y/N, what is your purpose of being here?" The wonder woman spoke in a demanding voice and I had a hard time not cowering down to her.

"I've been sent by the holy God of love to be your husband." I bent down on one knee and imitated a proposal. "Just kidding, I was just walking passed and well you know what my job is."

I thought I caught a hint of sadness in Raven's facial expression when I mentioned marriage but I thought nothing off it.

"Then, you will have to leave." Everyone took out weapons and pointed them at me, it actually seemed slightly frightening, except most of then we're nervous. I walked straight towards a little boy that was stood with a little dagger out.

I bent down and looked at the boy, and he looked like he was about to shit himself.

"Nervous?" I asked and the boy nodded.

I moved my head to the side as an arrow pierced the ground besides me, it would've hurt.

"Hey, I'm trying to talk here." Nobody came forward as the assailant and I sighed heavily. "Fine, how about this, because it seems none of you can actually fight or do anything worthwhile. Except maybe you Raven, and the 'maiden' hidden in this camp." I winked at Raven and she panicked.

So, I may need to explain a bit more.

Whilst sneaking into the camp I overhead a conversation that someone was having with this little boy. They were explaining the story of the Maidens.

Apparently, Raven herself is the spring maiden, however some woman, I didn't catch her name, is the supposed real maiden. I'm not sure but this woman is her decoy.

She's going to end up dead at some point, that's for sure.

Anyway, I heard footsteps charging towards me and I rolled forwards and felt a burning hatred behind me.

"You son of a bitch!" The girl, whom I assumed was the fake maiden, was charging blindly at me I took out my knife from its sheath and threw it at her.

It impaled her foot and she screamed.

"Oh be quiet, if that hurts then you've never felt real pain."

I'd been tortured more times than I can count on one hand, all by one bitch called Jason.

The girl pulled the knife out of her foot but tried to charge at me again, but fell half way to me.

"Just stay down, I don't want you more injured than that." I sighed heavily and picked up the girl. "Where is your infirmary, even if I've killed before hurting innocent people isn't my thing."

The girl in my arms kept struggling but never once took out her weapon, she must have finally given up with the fact I'm evil.

I still am, I'm just trying not to get killed instantly by Raven, because hell she's stronger than she looks.

Someone who looked like the doctor led me to a big tent and I set the girl down on a bed.

"What's your name love?" I asked.

"Vernal..." Was all she bothered to reply, she seemed completely subdued.

"Well, I'll leave you to the doc, sorry about your foot." I gave a wave over my shoulder as I stepped outside the tent once again. "Now, I'd prefer if nobody else fought me, I don't want any unnecessary injuries. Back on topic, now I've seen how good your top fighter is, I've got a proposition."


I've just learned something whilst researching for this story, all the names in RWBY are colour coordinated...


That's really cool, I'm impressed.

Oblivion, fading out.

Raven Branwen x Criminal Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now