Chapter One - Lightning Blue eyes

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Violet slouched against the front counter, allowing her eyes to slip closed in attempt to block out the light and her tiredness. It was nearly ten o'clock, and she had been here all day to make it up to her dad for skipping out all of last weekend. She was both mentally and physically exhausted from the rude customers and running around stocking shelves, and was more than grateful that she could close in less than five minutes. All she wanted to do was go home and fall face first into bed, completely knowing that she would regret not taking her makeup off in the morning.

Her eyes snap open at the sound of bells, signaling the front door opening. A elder lady walks in, and Violet curses under breath. She wasn't allowed to kick people out, meaning she had to wait however long this lady took before closing, which also meant she had to wait longer to climb into her bed. Nonetheless, she forces a smile as the lady approaches the register.

"Anything I can help you with ma'm?" The lady looks at Violet over the rim of her low hanging glasses, and Violet doesn't miss the surprised look in her eyes.

"Aren't you a little young to be working at a bookstore dear?" The woman asks, making Violet want to roll her eyes. She got this a lot, even though she looked older than her seventeen years. It was most likely because she decided to wear her sweater today that had a giant orange kitten on it and said 'today's going to be purrr-fect', which wasn't the most adult-like thing she could've worn.

"I would be, if my dad didn't own the store ma'm," Violet's tone kind, but the woman looks like she just slapped her across the face.

"Well if you're going to be talking in that sassy teenage attitude, than I'll just have to do my book shopping somewhere else." The woman says, before turning around and marching out the door.

"Have a great rest of your night!" Violet calls after her, smiling a little as the woman attempts to slam the door. Violet's dad had taught her to be nice to people even if you can't stand them, saying that being kind instead of rude back would make them more annoyed, and it was funny to see how true his words were. What wasn't funny was him sleeping upstairs while she was forced to close up the store alone.

With a yawn, Violet walks out from around the counter and to the door, flipping the small sign from 'open' to 'closed'. She then turns to the store, and frowns at the mess of books that was the newly released table. Somehow that was always the one that had books knocked to the ground and signs turned sideways, besides the kids section of course. That was a mess even Violet's father didn't clean up.

She starts to clean up the small table, and as she does her thoughts travel to her plans tomorrow with her best friend Reyna. They were going down to the pier to celebrate the start of their Junior year, even if school wasn't really something to celebrate about. But Reyna somehow convinced Violet that they should celebrate, and decided that they hadn't been down to walk the pier in quite some time. So tomorrow evening they were going to head down there, get a few snow cones and soda's, maybe ride a few of the rides, and finish off by watching the fireworks. Every saturday the pier set off fireworks for some reason that Violet couldn't remember, despite her dad telling her a thousand times, and they were great to watch on a warm summer night.

A loud bang behind the shelf next to her makes Violet nearly drop the box she was holding, and curse loudly in a voice that echoed slightly through the empty store. Her heart pounds as something comes out from around the corner, only for her to see the small persian cat that roamed around the store and Violet's apartment upstairs.

"Really Lucy? You scared the wits out of me!" Violet says, picking up the cat that was rubbing against her legs and covering her pants in white fur. She sighs, and looks towards the shelf where the cat had come from. "I don't even wanna know what you broke back there, so I'm just going to leave it."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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