14•"fuck off asian!"

Start from the beginning

"Calum fingered me" I burst out and I can't help it. I've been holding in what happened for over 11 hours now, and it was bubbling inside me like a soda that has been shook. I had to tell anyone, and that anyone was Margot.

Margot spits out the water she was drinking and I pathetically pat her back as she tries to regain her breath as her brown eyes bulge out of their sockets.

"You did what!" She shouts and I hush her quickly as we pace our way to the gate.

"He fingered me! Keep your voice down, oh god I hate myself. Why did I let him do it? You can't tell anyone please" I plead with and immediately wish I didn't pull the mean girls prank on Calum.

"I won't! But oh my fucking god I think I'm gonna faint, what was it like? How did it happen! Spill!" She shouts in glee then lowers her voice when other people glance at her.

After telling Margot everything that happened 3 times in detail, she was blushing and giggling like a school girl. Only to return to me the details of what happened with her and Luke on the way here, which I really didn't want to know.

By the end of our schoolgirl story session, we were at the gate. I showed them my pass and followed Margot up the long intertwining corridor, ready to board my plane for the second time.

As we're stepping on I pass Ethan who was sat beside Nia as promised, I give him a guilty smile and he grins widely sending me a thumbs up. Nia scowls and rolls her eyes and I bite my tongue.

As I check my seat number I'm delighted to find mine 1 row behind Margot's and empty. I smile widely and slide into the window seat, I don't care if I sound childish. The window seat was the best.

Counting my lucky stars and praying I had the rest of the seats to myself, my thoughts are ignored as I hear two boys whining.

"No, you said you brought them!" I hear a familiar voice whine and look up to see Luke frantically checking his duffel bag.

"I did! I brought them. I put them right there" Michael huffs back jabbing a pale finger at the separate zipped section of the duffel bag.

Luke unzips it so fast I think he's going to break the zip, and digs his long fingers into the pouch to retrieve a packet of half eaten mints out of it and let's out a sigh of relief.

I crinkle my eyes brows together at the sight of Luke being so overjoyed as if he found his first born after years of missing him or her, over a packet of mints seriously?

Michael catches my confused face and sniggers "Luke needs his mints or else he cries like a big baby" he laughs. Luke's face goes red as he notices Margot looking as confused as I am before he grits his teeth.

"I do not cry like a baby. They stop my ears from popping on the plane, and it hurts when my ears pop" he explains himself and we all hold in our laughter at the sight of a angry and embarrassed Luke.

I giggle to myself, not minding that I'll be spending the flight with two goofy boys. It'll be interesting that's for sure.

"Oi, Anger scoot that's my seat" Michael asks cocking his head to one side. His usual denim jacket is replaced with a hoodie and large basketball shorts as he twirls his headphones around his finger.

The Internship•Calum Hood AUWhere stories live. Discover now