Chapter Four

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I awoke early that morning, unlike usual, and took a deep breath. Today was the first day of my new life at school. I guess I deserved new friends, especially since after the accident no one - not even Angela, my best friend of five years- decided to call or text or even video chat. Apparently, no one cared if I was okay.

And that was completely and utterly fine. I'd understand if no one wanted to be friends with me anymore. I looked hideous and I was used to the status quo. You're pretty, you're at the top, and well, if you're hideous, you're down in the dirt.

I brushed my hair then ruffled it slowly, the action causing my hair to have volume, and beautiful waves that defined my face. My hair was trapped behind my headband, which actually looked cute, as did my outfit. I was wearing a black t-shirt with silver swirls on the ends, dark blue jeans that ended around my ankles, and my black converse with white laces, both neatly tied. I brushed my teeth quickly, then ran back to my room, grabbing my black IMAGINE DRAGONS hoodie, pulling it over my head. I fumbled with the material until my arms found the slots and straightened the hoodie. It was a little loose, but it looked good. I took one last look at myself and finally satisfied, I walked down the stairs, the smell of delicious food finding my nose.

When I walked downstairs, Mrs. Tilly was flipping over bacon in a pan, and in return, they sizzled, steam rising up. She turned and gave me a warm smile, which I - surprisingly- returned. "Are you excited for today, Sophia?" She asked.

I sat down at the table, my stomach churning. "Yep." I lied.

She took the bacon out and set it down on the table in front of me, and did the same thing with the pancakes. As if sensing my discomfort, she put her hand on my shoulder. "Everyone's nervous about the first day, I know I was. But it isn't that bad, you'll see."

Yeah. Easy for you to say. You're not the scarred freak here!! I thought to myself angrily.

I started eating, and before long my plate was empty, as was my cup of orange juice. Mrs. Tilly grabbed her keys and we headed towards her car, and I was suddenly grateful for her driving me instead of taking the bus, having to meet people who I would most likely not want to get to know.

We finally arrived and she pulled to a stop, right in front of the double doors. As the brakes screeched, so did my stomach. I opened my compact mirror and looked at my face. This was the only way you could actually tell that my face was hideous. But hey, it was my face, right? I shoved the mirror into the first zipper pocket on my book sack, then checked my watch. It was 7:00. Classes didn't start until at least 7:10, I had time.

I yanked open the car door, shut it behind me, and gaped at the school in front of me. It was huge, like huge, and I just stared at it for at least a few minutes until someone cleared their throat. I turned, ducking my head down, peeking at the person through my hair. It was a guy, he was about 5'10, his hair a dark blonde, his eyes blue, just like mine. I looked at his face again and noticed he was laughing. At me. "Well," he began. "Are you just gonna stand here and gawk at it, or will you actually move? You can move, right?"

I nodded in response through my curtain of hair, then realized he couldn't see my face. "Yes I can move, thanks for the concern." I snapped.

He laughed, a long laugh that sent chills up my spine. "I'm not concerned, you're blocking the entryway, genius." He walked closer to me, then bumped my shoulder as he went around, entering the school. If only looks could kill...

I turned around and fipped my head back, my curtain of hair removing from my face. I pulled my hood up, making sure it covered my face almost entirely before I decided to go in. I checked the time. 7:05. Are you serious?! I spent 5 minutes talking with this so called jerk? Whatever. He's not worth it.

I walked into the school, swarms of students shuffling in the hallway, looking for something specific to do. I bumped into people as I made my way to the office, not meaning to, of course. As the woman handed me my schedule, I peered through the little window that allowed me to see outside, and saw that same guy from outside looking at me with his friends and laughing. Yeah, laugh, dude. Just you wait.

I stormed out of the office, then yelped as I bumped into a figure, sprawling backwards, landing on my back. I looked up at the person in front of me. He was short, like me pretty much, and had brown hair and amazingly beautiful hazel eyes. He looked down at me in concern and offered me his right hand. I gratefully took it with my left, and he helped me up swiftly. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine. No damage to anything."

"What's with the hoodie? Are you like goth or something?"

"What's with these annoying questions? Are you a pest or something?" I retorted.

He laughed, then his friendly tone turned aggravated, and he said to me, "What's with the attitude? Or does being rude just come naturally to you?" He pressed. "You don't need to be rude to me, I was just helping you out. Remind me to not do that anytime soon."

I sighed, feeling guilty all of a sudden. Didn't I have enough guilt on me right now? Why this? "Look- I'm sorry. I'm new here, and this guy-" I stopped and pointed to the guy I had instantly decided I hated from the moment I saw him. "-really got on my nerves. He was a total douche bag, and I guess his attitude rubbed off on me. I'm sorry."

The boy nodded. "I get it. And don't worry about Aaron. He's just a jerk to everyone. And since you're new, I'll have to remember to show you around sometime." He nodded, and walked away, just as I realized I didn't even catch his name.


I walked into my first period class, which was World History. As I walked in, I noticed the same guy from outside, the one who laughed at me, was in my class. His arm was around a blonde girl, who was obviously a cheerleader. The door opened and my heart started beating faster. The boy who was nice enough to even talk to me was in this class. That had to mean something right?

The teacher - His name is Mr. Henry - walked in and began calling role, and I soon learned the blonde girl's name was Patricia Admonds and Aaron's last name was Miller. I smiled mentally when Mr. Henry said the other boy's name. His name was Matthew Reynolds, and he was assigned to show me around, since they do this with every new student.

Soon it was time for me to introduce myself, and I did, embarrassed. After I did, I noticed Matthew staring at me with such intensity, I felt I would burst. Class was about to start, and I was so relieved no one saw my face. That was until Mr. Henry told me to take off my hood, since we weren't allowed to wear it on our heads during class.

I obeyed, my face scarlet red. It was perfect, no one insulted me.

"Hey, Scar. You seen Mufasa?"

I flinched at the name calling, my shoulders tightening up. Laughing erupted, and tears clouded my eyes. I looked around the classroom. Everyone was laughing; Mr. Henry, Patricia, Aaron, everyone. Everyone except Matthew.

I wiped at my eyes, and put my head on the desk. Only seven more hours of this, only seven more hours. If only it was. It lasted so much longer, and it still hurt, each and every time.

 Authors note:

HIIII!!!!! :) Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote!

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