"Ashton" dad said, gesturing at the chair beside Axel. I scoffed and got up, walking to the chair. I sat down and stared at him, eager to know why he suddenly dragged me here after over a year.

"Ashton, I know you must be shocked, coming here and seeing all the furniture downstairs. I know you have many questions and believe me son, I don't want to keep anymore secrets. I will answer anything" dad said, looking at me.

He didn't look like the man I left over a year ago. The one who wanted to have nothing to do with me. This guy looked like he was sorry, looked like he cared. Is this some fucking joke?

"I just want to know why, that's all" I said, not interested in anything else.

"After you moved out, I started my own business. Alone. I've been doing very well. All that exquisite pieces downstairs were imported from Italy, just for me. An old friend of mine hooked me up" dad said, showing me the paperwork.

I couldn't believe it. For the first time he wasn't doing anything illegal. It felt almost new to me, to see him do something right.

"Why didn't you tell me this that day you bailed me out? You were still mad at me, I remember" I said, thinking back to that ugly ass station I was detained at.

"I was angry you got into trouble with drugs and I wasn't ready to tell you about all this. I figured it would be better if Axel was here as well- since you kids were close" dad said, glancing over at Axel who was falling off to sleep.

"What the fuck!" I shouted, pushing Axel's shoulder. He jolted up and looked at me with a confused face.

"Sorry, long day" He said sleepily.

"So you have a legit business. What about the dealings?" I asked, my heart racing as I waited for his reply.

"I'm out of it. ..for good. Ashton, son, there's things you don't know. I didn't always want to do that sort of thing" He said, looking almost apologetic.

"What do you mean? What's going on?" I asked, turning to face Axel who was just looking down.


"Ash. ..bro, please. Just listen to dad, okay? You're gonna wanna hear this, yeah?"

"Well, what is it?" I said, actually sitting up straight to hear this.

"Your mother and I, we didn't get divorced because of me and the dealings" dad said.

"Wh--what?" I said, trying to understand.

"It was because of her. Your mum, I loved her. ..alot, but she wasn't the same person I married long ago" dad said, shifting in his chair.

"Okay. What exactly are you trying to tell me?" I said, feeling more confused than before.

"Oh crap! Long story short Ash, dad isn't the mastermind behind the drug dealings, okay? It's mum. It's still mum and it's always been mum. She was just using dad this entire time to make herself look innocent in front of your eyes. That crappy story she told you about leaving dad because of his business was fucking bullshit!" Axel explained. He stood up from his chair and walked over to the cabinet to pour himself a drink.

I leaned back, thinking about how mum lied to me. She fucking lied! This entire time she was the bad one and dad wasn't. Now it's all coming together, dad stayed back while she moved to the UK because the cops were targeting her. I knew it didn't make sense, if dad was the guilty one- shouldn't he be the one to go into hiding?

But why did he do it? What did she have over him that was keeping his mouth shut all these years. What made him do her business for her willingly? It must have been something fucking extreme. Dad wouldn't do it for something small.

My thoughts were interrupted when one of dad's guys knocked on the door. I turned to look at him, I didn't recognize him- maybe he was just recruited.

"Boss, sorry to disturb but you have visitors downstairs. They came up to the gate out of nowhere. Two of them. A man and a young girl".

"Thank you, Victor. I'll be down in a minute" dad said and with a brief nod, he turned on his heel and exited the room.

Dad stood up from his chair and straightened up his suit.

"Being in this business gets you alot of enemies. Some even disguise themselves as friends. Be careful, both of you" dad said, eyeing both Axel and I. He briskly walked out of the room and shut the door behind him.

"Pour me a drink, yeah?" I said to Axel, who was now sitting by the liquor cabinet.

"Coming up" He said, chuckling.

He walked over and placed the glass on the desk. I picked it up and took a whiff. It was the strong scent of whiskey, my favorite.

I raised my glass toward Axel for a toast.

"Cheers to a really fucked up, eventful day. Brother" I said, tilting my head back and downing all the liquid in my glass.

"You want another?" Axel asked from the corner.

"Yeah, why not? Keep 'em coming" I said, slamming my glass down onto the desk.

"Oh fuck, we're out of ice. I'll be back in a tick" Axel said, leaving the room.

"Make it quick, you twat!" I shouted as he walked out.

After he left I laughed to myself. My brother was really an ass. This whole time he knew mum was the culprit but he still chose to live with her. I wonder what the fuck she's holding against him. Must be just as bad as dad's.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through social media. I try to avoid it because all of the shit comments and tags, it's a headache. I went on Kaia's page and saw that she posted her pictures from the photoshoot. I clicked on the first one, it was of her lying on the ground with only a thin piece of silk covering her body. Her face and shoulders had bits of gold and she looked amazing. Wow. I can't believe I let her slip away. Fuck I'm such an idiot. Alexis could never look this beautiful, even if she tried. Kaia just looks so innocent and pure. Fuck, my heart is breaking just staring at this picture.

I gave it a like and moved onto the next one. Oh great, that fucker was in it. Damn you, Axel.
She was sitting on the ground with that same piece of silk and Axel with his dashing long hair had his big head on her lap, looking straight at the camera. Fuck you, Axel. You waste of space.

"Brother!" Axel called out, storming into the room. ..without the ice.

"What the fuck? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" I said, standing up from my chair. I pick up my phone which is now on the floor.

"You need to come downstairs. Now!" He said, pulling my hand towards the door.

"You're not making sense!" I said, pushing him away.

"Just fucking listen to me. The visitors downstairs, the man and the girl? Yeah, it's Al Ramirez and--"

"And what does fucking Al Ramirez have to do with me?" I said, cutting this cunt off.

"His daughter is that slut you've been banging-- Alexis. Still have nothing to do with you?" Axel spat.

I walked out of the room with Axel close behind me. I didn't see this coming. I should have asked for her fucking surname. Fuck! How could I be so dumb? Dammit. I could tell this was going to end badly.

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