"I love you.... I love you and I'm not going to let that ever happen again. I've already gotten everything with egg in it out of my house. I went to the health food store this morning and had them help me find egg-free stuff. They even had egg-free mayo. Wasn't sure how that could possibly be any good, but it actually is. I'm impressed. So, meals are here from now on, no arguments."


"No, no talking, remember? Ok, I seriously won't make it through something like that again. I know you're the one who got hurt, but this is a first for me, in a lot of ways. I need to know you're safe."

That's when the tears finally let loose. Meg looked at me in horror and took the phone from me.

"What did you say to her? She's balling her eyes out! I swear if you... Oh. Well, okay then.... Uh huh... Will do. Bye."

She hung up and found a box of tissues to hand me.

"So, he's pretty cool. He wants hourly updates and to find out when you're getting out of here.

I was about to say that it may be at least a day. For small attacks I've been in and out, but losing consciousness, that meant a full day of observation.

"No, ma'am! No talking! As much as I love your raspy voice, I agree with your caveman, rest your throat and drink water. Dr. Caveman's orders."

That made me laugh, which made me cough, again.

"Shit! Sorry, I'm too funny for my own good! Here, drink."

More water, ugh! After another full cups, she filled up the pitcher and put it on the rolling tray. Then she went to ask about breakfast, I was starving. All I had eaten since yesterday morning, well except the evil sandwich that put me in here. She came back in and explained that they would have to put together a special menu, of no eggs and easy on the throat. I hated allergies.

Once I ate my breakfast of Jell-O and pudding, I went back to sleep. Around noon my cell rang, it was my mother. As much as I wanted to answer, I knew she would flip out the second she heard my voice. So I sent her a text saying I was busy and would get back to her the next day. Her text back was not what I was expecting.

Mom- I need to talk to you now. Paul called me. Since when are you seeing someone? Did you know that he broke Paul's nose and jaw?! He could barely talk. I'm worried about you, sweetie. Paul was gentlemanly enough to turn the other cheek, but I won't be as kind to this new "man" of yours. I don't want to see you get hurt by some neanderthal. Call me ASAP!

That's not good! I quickly sent off a text to Meg to not answer any calls from my mom, then fowarded the one mom sent me. She sent me a text back right away.

Meg- no way!!! She still thinks the Paul is some saint?! WTH!? Eli would never hurt you... well other than try to kill you with mayo. 😉 anyway! Everything is under control here, rest up and don't you dare talk! Luv u!

Me- LOL. I'm glad no one misses me! I'll be quiet, don't worry. And I luv u 2! ❤️

I called the hospital cafeteria. Even though Eli didn't want me talking, I had to order lunch. They said they'd check to see if I could have solid foods yet, if not it would be soup. After about ten minutes, the doctor came back in to see how my throat was healing, he was mostly happy with it, but not about my breathing. I guess I hadn't really noticed, but I wasn't getting enough air yet. So I had to get nebulizer treatments, I hated nebulizer treatments! But if it meant getting out the next morning, I was all for it.

Lunch came and went, I was able to have soup with bread and butter. No crackers yet, but I preferred bread anyway. After that and a nap, I was getting anxious to see people. The nurses were nice enough, but I wanted Eli. It was weird, I'd gone my whole life without him, and after two weeks, I was missing him after a day.

Megan came into the room around 5:30pm, looking like death. I felt so bad. Doing a full day, then sitting with me all night, another full day, then coming back... I begged her to go back and rest. She brought me my Bibles, so I got back to my studies.

Dinner was a little better. Chicken and rice, I had to cut it up small, but it tasted surprisingly good for hospital food. It took a long time to fall asleep, I hadn't had to sleep so much in years, so finally they gave me something to help and I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

The doctor came in first thing and said I could go if I promised to take it easy for a few days. The lack of oxygen had done a number on me, I understood that. So I emphatically agreed, as long as I could leave. I called Meg and asked if she could get away to pick me up. I told her it would only be about 20 minutes before I was ready to go.

As the nurse pushed me out in a wheelchair, hospital rules, I noticed it wasn't Meg that came to get me. Eli was waiting at the curb, outside of his truck and fidgeting. As soon as he saw me he ran up and asked why I was in a wheelchair. The nurse laughed and explained I was fine, just something they have to do for everyone. I stood easily and hugged him with all I had. His embrace was both crushing and gentle at the same time.

"I missed you."

That made me smile from ear to ear.

"I missed you too, so much!"

He acted like he wanted to kiss me, but wasn't sure if he could. So I kissed him. He deepened the kiss and only stopped when we heard a light cough behind us. The poor nurse looked so uncomfortable. She explained that she had to make sure I got in the car and wasn't planning on driving. Then she gave my post-stay information to Eli and a script for more EpiPens. He listed to her intently, it was so sweet.

After running to the drug store and dropping off my script, we headed back to his place. I knew there was a back entrance, but hadn't realized it was just past the office, which was next to his house. So, it didn't take long. When we went in, he acted like I had broken all my bones. He insisted on carrying me, wouldn't even let me out of the truck until I agreed. He struggled to open the door with me in his arms and it was a full minute before I finally squirmed out of his hold.

Breakfast was amazing. He once again made me pancakes and bacon, I could seriously get used to pancakes! I wish I had taken the time to learn allergy friendly recipes before now, but I was hardly ever home to cook, so I guessed it wasn't a big deal.

"Do you want to take a shower?"

"Yes!!! Oh my goodness, I need one bad. I thought about taking one this morning, but I didn't have my stuff. Meg brought me clothes, but I didn't even think about shampoo. Oh! Teeth! I must have the worst breath ever!"

"I didn't notice, honest. Your stuff is still in my bathroom. Have at it."

I practically ran to his room. I felt so dirty. When I went in I noticed something different. I looked for the bag that I had packed for my initial two days at his place, but couldn't find it. So I checked in his closet and about lost it. All my clothes were there, hanging or folded. They smelled clean and pressed. Tears burned my eyes and when I turned around, he was there, watching me.

"I told you, you're staying here. I wasn't going to have you living out of a suitcase, going to and from the cabin. What kind of a host would I be?"

"I guess not a very good one."

He smiled and started to close in, but I backed away and held up a hand to my mouth.

"No! I need to brush and shower first!"

"Sweetheart, we've already kissed. I think I'll be okay."

Horror struck me as I realized how gross that must have been for him. Paul had always refused to get anywhere near me until I was totally clean. Later in our marriage I found it to be a blessing, but early on it just felt like rejection.

"Right, well I'd still prefer to clean up first. Thanks though."

I grabbed some fresh clothes and headed for the bathroom. Everything felt different, but oh so good.

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