Beans The Tooty Fruit

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(Lazy Afternoon Part 2)


I am careful not to wolf my brunch down but as I get to the beans (my least favourite part of the meal) I take my fork and smash up the beans in groups of fives, getting them all mushy and making a soup out of them. "Don't play with your food kitten" says Mummy "oh I'm not Mummy just making a bean soup out of my beans" I say "okay then hurry up and finish then you can watch a film or do some colouring for me" says Mummy "okay then" I say I stop smashing my beans up and eat them up each little one by one.

When I am on my last two beans, I push them onto my fork with my knife, chew the mouthful and then put down my knife and fork on my plate then push the plate away from me. "Mummy" I say "yes Ariel" says Mummy "I finished my meal" I say "oh good girl now bring your plate in and Mummy will wash it" says Mummy, I walk away my tummy full as I get to the table my tummy feels weird, I shrug it off assuming it's nothing like I often do, I pick my plate up and bring it to the sink, just slowly putting it in "good girl now you can go and play", I smile, I go to my playroom and take out a colouring book and Rainbow Dash instead of Twinky Bear, grab my colours and go down stairs into the living room still in my dressing gown.

I put my box of felt tip pens down with My Little Pony coloring book, before laying down on the soft, grey rug in the living room, I open the book of pictures to colour when I find a picture of Rainbow Dash with a rainbow coming between to colour in Rainbow Dash in a light blue but my tummy still feels hurty, I roll on my back felt tip in hand, the other hand rubbing my belly side to side until a raspberry sound comes out "ooh" I say "that was stinky fart", another fart follows the first god what was Mummy thinking making me all those beans for brunch yuck, another fart follows as I roll back to the colouring book, those stinky, stinky beans make my tummy feel bad and hurty, Mummy walks in.


I walk into the living room where my little Ariel is playing and making trump noises, I sniff up "eww Ariel is it you making those trumps?" I ask "Mummy those beans make me gassy" says Ariel "oh do they?" I say I pick Ariel up and sit on the settee with her, I lay her in my arms and rub her tummy in smooth, soothing, slow circular motion to calm down her gassy, upset stomach "is that making you feel better baby?" Ariel just gives me a really cute smile, I smile back nuzzling my nose into hers "I feel so much better" says Ariel, I smile "oh good want some more?" I ask "just a few more mummy please" says Ariel "anything for my little kitten" I say.


I love it when me and Mummy have moments like this, the tummy massage she's giving me is just amazing I swear she must have some madass magic fingers, my eyes begin to close a little bit "aww is my little princess a little sleepy?" says Mummy "no" I protest "come on kitten you need a little sleep" says Mummy "no,no,no" I say shaking my head in protest to "come on have a little nap baby then we can play a bit more later on" says Mummy "no only if Mummy lies with me as I fall asleep" I say "okay Kitten but all I'm asking is for you to have an hour or half an hour" says Mummy, my eyes close again I struggle to fight for my right to not have a nap "come on baby" she places me on the settee and goes to get my, My Little Pony blanket, I get a pillow a white, fluffy and cuddly one that tickles my face as I lie on the settee.

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