3 The Drive

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I put on the radio and on comes that song by Portugal ft The Man (What a shit name) that "Feel It Still" I nod my head even though this song is the most annoying, most infuriating, but yet so catchy song ever released plays.


I look over at Ariel a smile comes out as I see her bobbing her head to the music (she's so cute), "Ariel want to hold the shopping list for Mummy?" I say passing Ariel the shopping list, "where are the cookies or the toy?" says Ariel "Ariel we're not buying treats we are buying things for tea tonight" I say "you are so unfair!" shouts Ariel "don't shout at me because you don't get what you want, you don't want to turn out like the other spoiled littles do you?" I say Ariel sits and thinks a few seconds "no I don't I'm sorry for shouting Mummy" says Ariel  "you are forgiven little one" I say.

We stop at the Asda I park the car and get out, go round to my little's side of the car and let Ariel out of the car "come on then Ariel" I say "hold my hand Mummy" says Ariel her short 5'2 stature which just is so dinky to my 5'6 stature and I'm about an inch taller in my stiletto heels that have a peep toe opening, I take Ariel's hand and we walk into the supermarket together.

Errands (Story 1)

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