Chapter Eight 🐉

Start from the beginning

Ember hums softly, "Well he was not with Aeric and Qullian that is for sure because they came back home reeking of female".

I chuckle, "They had asked me to join them but I had other plans for the evening". They did invite me before they learned of my plans with Avalon. Aeric joined Qullian to keep him out of trouble.

Mother nods, "You and your brothers go out together. What did you do last night sweetie?"

I usually go out with my brothers and on rare occasions friends. I wonder how mother and Ember will react to learn that I was on a date with my mate. I will have to call Avalon once I finish speaking to them because I already yearn to hear her voice.

"Well mother I was out on a date last night," I said.

I watch mother and Ember blink in surprise. Amber speaks up first, "Um you went on a date? You have never gone on a date before".

Mother nods her head in agreement, and I find it rather amusing to see them so shocked. "I was on a date with my mate," I said.

Ember and mother remain silent for several minutes with wide eyes. I chuckle once again, and then take a sip of my coffee. The first one to snap out of their surprise was mother. She lets out a loud squeal, and then wraps her arms around my shoulders. She squeezes me with a force that you would not expect a petite woman to have.

"Your mate, you found your mate! Oh my goodness I am so happy to hear this!" said mother in a loud yet happy voice.

"You really found your mate? This is great because we will finally have more females in the family! I can't wait to meet her Vul,"said an excited Ember.

Mother nods in agreement and I am thrilled that they are happy. "Well tell me all about your mate! I wish you had told me right away, but I suppose you wanted to spend time with her before we meet her," said mother.

I nod as I appreciate how understanding mother is about me waiting to tell her about Avalon. If it were up to me I would have taken her away for a week or two, so that we could get to know each other without any distractions. I cannot do that because we both have jobs and other responsibilities.

"My mates name is Avalon and we met the last time I went out with Aeric and Qullian. We were at the newest bar Aeric opened that evening. Avalon was with her friends and sisters, and I saw her when a male lion decided to make her his prey fro the evening, which was a mistake on his part,"I said.

Ember starts to laugh, "Oh wow the lion did not know what he had coming to him! You do not piss off a male dragon".

I chuckle and my sister could not be more right with her comment. "Yes and I made sure that he left her alone for the evening. Avalon actually informed me that I should allow her to handle the situation the next time it occurs. We spend the rest of our time PPO talking and then exchanged phone numbers," I said.

Mother blinks in surprise, " Now why would something like that happen again? I am sure your mate is beautiful but does she attract attention."

Ember nods," She is not a succumbs or anything is she? If that is the case then you have your hands full big brother".

I shake my head an thank god that Avalon is not a succumbs, because then I could not bring her to the den unmated to meet mother and Amber. "No Avalon is a mermaid and informs me that she often receives attention that she does not want. She learned self defense after moving to the surface to put her parents at ease," I said.

"A mermaid. That is so cool! I have never met a mermaid before!"said a happy Ember.

Mother hums, "Mermaids are quite lovely and I owe much thanks to one mermaid. When I was a young hatchling a mermaid pulled me from the water during a storm. A strong shock of thunder hit my wing and I lost control of my ability to fly. The mermaid pulled me out and brought me to a nearby island to rest," said mother.

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