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this chapter is after the START chapter.


jeongguk was staring at the skies, different things were drifting in his brain. this girl, named ara just stopped him from his third attempt, but she also decided to appear again and get taehyung's cap.

"what is she?" said jeongguk with his annoyed face. the idea of him being in the same hospital as ara just made him anxious gain. "who 'she'?" said ara behind jeongguk.

jeongguk did not lean as he knew where the voice came from. he just shut his eyes tight and shut his lips together.

"and also, what are you doing here? are you gonna kill yourself again?" asked ara. "i meant you for the 'she'. lastly i come here because i want to. is this your property?" answered jeongguk as he knew she was just not gonna stop.

lucky ara, jeongguk was close on the bench. ara sat on the bench and jeongguk was shocked to feel a wind. he leaned and saw how close ara was. ara saw the expression jeongguk had, he was supposed to push his wheelchair but ara put her hand on his hand.

"don't move, i will instead." said ara then moved away from jeongguk. jeongguk did not like the kindness ara was giving him.

"it's pretty, right?" asked ara. jeongguk wasn't able to answer as he was just staring at her. if she was a puzzle, she ain't someone you can solve in a day. but when ara leaned her head, jeongguk was suddenly taken aback. he put his eyes back on the skies.

"w-what do you do here? i mean, are you always here?" asked jeongguk, trying to erase the embarrassment. "those two questions were far," laughed ara that made jeongguk blush.

"fuck," cursed jeongguk inside him. "but i do nothing. i just stare at the skies and.. wait. i always just come here to wait," answered ara, feeling embarrassed as she never really told someone her intentions on going here everyday.

"wait? for what?" asked jeongguk. ara bowed her head, she did not know what to say. "for who. i'm waiting for jin," explained ara. then that's when jeongguk got it.

she was the girl that was screaming this name. "anyway, what are you doing here? in this hospital, i'm saying." asked ara, trying to avoid the topic.

"i tried to kill myself," answered jeongguk.

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