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she bowed her head, letting her tears fall down and forgetting about controlling it. "how about you try to explore the hospital? i can ask your doctor for a pair of crutches so you won't die here from boredom," said the nurse.

she had been taking care of ara. and all she has been seeing is a crying ara. ara wiped her tears and looked at the nurse, "who would befriend me? i only need seokjin," said ara.

it was indeed really painful. her parents disappearing from her life as well as her brother, she met seokjin and actually added the sunlight in her but now, she also lost him, let's not forget her fractured right foot.

she wanted to be mad at seokjin for not coming for her. but she will not give up. she knows seokjin will come for her. maybe not now, not tomorrow nor the next day, but someday.

"the rooftop is near here, right?" asked ara after she thought of a cool idea. the nurse nodded, "you just need to go on the right side then walk a bit more then open gray door and you'll be welcomed by the hospital's rooftop." answered the nurse.

"okay, thankyou." smiled ara. the nurse was filled with bliss when she finally saw the girl smile. ara looked prettier with her smile.

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