"My parents are on Alderaan. I'm on my own now. I've run away so I do not have to join the Empire. Is your name really Ben Kenobi?" She asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

The man sighed. "No. My name is actually Obi-wan Kenobi. And I do admire you for running from the Empire. That takes guts. But I cannot approve of you trying to commit suicide via Sith Lord!" He ran his hand through his hair.

Contu was hot. Did he really think he could just boss her around like that? Oh no! "What gives you the authority to approve or disapprove of my actions? Are you in the Empire? If not then you don't! Because you are certainly not my parents!"

Obi-wan laughed. "No. You're right. I have no authority over you. But may I please have my lightsaber back?"

"Your lightsaber?!" Her eyes went wide. She looked from Obi-wan to the saber then back to Obi-wan. "Are you a Jedi?"

Obi-wan facepalmed. "No need to announce it to the entire planet! But yes. I am indeed one of the few remaining Jedi. How did you end up with my blade in the first place?"

"I dunno. It just kinda ended up in my hand. I was thinking about having your lightsaber and it just appeared in my hand!"

Obi-wan raised his eyebrows. "Well this is interesting. You're Force-sensitive. I certainly did not see that one coming." He began to mumble. "Well I don't have an padawan learner anymore..... I could take her.... But girls are so complicated. Well not all of them, there was Lima. But I lost her... and I don't need to endanger any more lives. Ah! What have I got I lose?" He grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Yes?" That was all she could manage without bursting into laughter.

"I have decided to take you on as my padawan learner. But, there are two things we shall have to do. One, we need a ship. And two, we need to build you a lightsaber."

Contu cocked her head to the side. "I've got the ship. But I don't know where to get the stuff to build a lightsaber! Come on! I'll take you to the ship!"

She half-led half-dragged Obi-wan to the ship she and Laeta came in on. "Laeta! Open the door!"

The mechanical noise of the door opening filled the air. "Quick! Get in! Imperials not even two leagues from here! Let's go!"

The two on the ground scurried to get in and get the door shut. "Thanks for saving me once again Laeta. If you haven't figured it out by now, I don't have family on Keagonal."

"Yeah. Noticed. You're a runaway. They just sent a signal to all Imperial registered ships. Mine included. Evidently you're a pretty important person there huh?" Laeta flopped back into his seat and took an oblong glance at Obi-wan. "Better yet, who's he? Did you ever find out for sure?"

Contu sat down and took a look at her hand which she now noticed was bleeding. "That's Obi-wan Kenobi. He's a Jedi. Friend, before you ask. As for the Imperial part, I was supposed to be taken and trained by the Emperor himself. So yeah, I'm important to them. I don't know where to go now. Any ideas Obi?"

Obi-wan raised his eyebrows. "First of all, it's Master to you. Secondly, we should head over to Tatooine. That was where I was headed before my ship was attacked. Laeta is it? We should be about two clicks from there."

"On it!" Laeta turned and set the course into the navigator system.

Contu turned to Obi-wan. "So, where do you get the stuff to build a lightsaber?"

Laeta whirled his seat around. "I got the stuff, including the crystals, in the back. No questions please. But help yourselves to it! I'm never gonna use the stuff."

"Why do you have the stuff to make a lightsaber?" Evidently Obi-wan didn't know what 'no questions please' meant.

"I got it from my dad. Evidently he was a Jedi."

"What makes you say that?" This was obviously striking the curiosity of the Jedi.

Laeta shrugged. "Why would the Empire want to put a Sith in prison? Not to mention my dad carried a blue blade. Perhaps you know of him? His name was Kenta Baegon."

[Kén-täh Bāy-Gön]

"Kenta! Yes I know Kenta!" Obi-wan ran a hand through his hair and rubbed his beard. "Although he was just a youngling when I knew him. Somehow he must've survived the purge."

Contu rubbed her eyes. While normally they were a chocolate brown, they were tainted red from lack of sleep. She now noticed she'd been up for almost twenty four hours straight! She let her hair down from it's captivity above her head and wandered into the nearest bedroom. I'll let them talk. she though as she crawled onto the sleep couch. She would need her energy to run from the Empire tommorow. Because now, not only was she a runaway, she was a member of the illegal organization known as the Jedi. Contu smiled at the thought. She best save up all the energy she could.

A Jedi's Journeyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن