Burned (a Roy x Ed fanfiction)

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The door knob turned and clanked as it opened, Edward shot up breaking kiss so fast it took Mustang a minuet to completely figure out what had happened.

Ed sat down in the chair and scooted it back away from Mustangs bed, rubbing his legs nervously. Where as Mustang played it a bit more cooly seeing as how he'd done such things before, he leaned back down slowly into bed making it look like he was simply changing position and slowly blinked his eyes making him look the sick part.

Riza and Winry entered but a few seconds after, both talking quietly to each other. Hawkeye must have said something actually funny because Winry chuckled lightly as they shut the door.

Clearly They hadn't realized of Roy's conciseness yet so instead they nodded at Edward and each took out a coffee from a bag Winry was holding.

Roy timed it just right, how could he pass it up after all? Edward was still breathing hard and rubbing his legs to death while glaring at the floor. "lieutenant, it's nice to see you too." He said in his more superior voice he generally used around fullmetal when at work. "If you have enough time to get a coffee I should think you should have enough time to get me a washcloth yes?"

Riza stood up straight in shock at his voice. "Colonel." She said trying to hide the enormous smile on her face. " it's good to have you back." She saluted and set down her coffee and walked to the sink.

She returned only about twenty seconds later with a cool rag in which she lay across Roy's sweaty forehead. "Need anything else sir?" She said examining his face closely.

He closed his eyes for a minuet. "Hm, well honestly lieutenant I could use a bit of an explication of what happened." He said. She smiled and sat in the edge if the bed so she wouldn't have to make Ed move from his chair, And she explained it all.

Mustang sighed. "Honestly I would be a fool to say I don't agree with fullmetal on this one." He said, back to sounding like him old self. The only difference was he'd gone a bit out if it so to speak after they boosted his pain medication, so off and in he would make no sense, at all. And all Ed could think was, did I really just kiss this moron?!

The blonde alchemist smiled evilly at his victory. "Wait what's this,Colonel finally agreeing with me?" He said through a chuckle.

"As much as I hate to admit it you do have a point though. Honestly it doesn't make any sense, for Envy to go through all that trouble of picking out both a specific person and a place in which Envy would kidnap that person, who in this case was Hawkeye and Alphonse." Roy continued.

At least Roy was making sense right now, a few minuets ago he had started talking about oranges and how much he loves dogs. It was scary to say the least.

He sighed again before resuming. "so why would he do that just to then poison me?" Roy said. "And yes I'm aware he may have put that as a plan B as you said lieutenant but that seems unlikely to me."

"Oh, And why's that sir?" Hawkeye said. Ed couldn't help but detect a sense if boredom behind her voice.

"Well you see lieutenant, if all he wanted to do was kill me..." Roy was starting to get that weird tone in his voice again before he went crazy and drugged. "...he wouldn't have bothered kidnapping you in the first place, he could have easily just used poison, after all it's a much easier way of getting rid if me than kidnaping me. And really could have don't that for Edward too."

______the next day_______

"I'm leaving Winry, you can't stop me so just stop trying!!!" Ed snapped, she had been trying to talk him out if it all morning with very little result.

Roy was doing better health wise at least, and had actually managed to stay awake all morning. He was now sitting up in bed, and lieutenant Hawkeye was out getting coffee for everyone. "C'mon fullmetal, don't be stupid Winry's right. You were in a great amount if shock, don't rush yourself." Mustang said calmly.

"Easy for you to say ya bastard! That's my little brother, I have to help him! As it is I've waisted to much time." Ed ranted as he threw on his shirt.

Winry growled and slammed her fist down in the table next to her. "Damn you Edward, I know it's your brother! But sacrificing yourself for him is just plain stupidity!" She yelled before locking herself in the tiny hospital bathroom behind Mustangs bed.

"At least wait until I'm better, than I can come with." Roy said annoyed with all of the drama. "I mean I know you are worried but just try to stay cal-"

Ed interrupted in a fit of hysteria. "Just shut up!!! You don't know anything! Wait for you to come and get in my way, sure that sounds great. I mean it's not like I already fucked up my brothers life enough already as it is!" He was breathing hard. "Now I'm leaving him to be-to be.... I can't let Envy hurt him! And then you come along and make me get all feely and shit, and I mean now I don't even know what to think I mean we kissed!"

Roy just sat there, he wasn't going to say a word.

There was a brightening blush in Edwards cheeks and he was defiantly pissed. " I mean why would you do that?! I can't stick around waiting for a useless bastard like yourself to feel better and come and 'help' me, which by the way I'm starting to think is code for getting in the way!!!" Ed raved.

Roy sighed, he wondered how much longer the shorty's rant would last. "Look fullmetal, you know it's okay to lik-" but Mustang was interrupted yet again by Ed.

"I DON'T LIKE YOU!!!!" He screamed before grabbing his freshly washed red coat, and stormed out the door.

Authors note: well there you have it, it's a bit cute and sad the same time... Lol next we get to go back with Envy and Al with Ed XD

Disclaimer: I don't own fma or any of the characters, if I did there would be a lot more yaoi.

Burned (a Roy x Ed fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें