Burned (a Roy x Ed fanfiction)

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"But I don't understand why he went about it that way just to get me and Colonel, and why does he want us anyways?!" Edward said sounding a bit confused. Everything Hawkeye had told him was a lot to take in, despite the fact he new half of it all ready but she had filled in the blanks.

Riza had been kidnaped by Envy who was in disguise as Colonel Mustang, which was confusing enough as it is but then on top of that Envy had then gone in disguise as Hawkeye after locking her up and gone to Ed's house to take Al. And all of this to get Edward and Roy. So initially, envy had attempted to kidnap Hawkeye and Alphonse to get Roy and Edwards attention. And it had worked, though Riza had managed to escape somewhere along the line Alphonse hadn't been so lucky.

"Honestly I don't know if he 'wanted' Colonel Mustang like he wants you so much as to kill him, do remember he's put Envy through a lot." She said calmly. She was clearly worried and angry but certainly not showing it.

There was still one thing Edward was a bit fuzzy on though, what and why had those things happened to Mustang, What was wrong with him?

Ed really didn't want to ask, especially not Hawkeye but he really wanted to know, he felt like he should know. "Uh, so Hawkeye what exactly is wrong with Mustang?" He said meekly.

She frowned and looked over her shoulder at the Colonel who was laying in the hospital bed, he'd finally gone back to bed after nearly a half hour of him screaming his head off for unknown reasons and nieve refusal for medicine. "Hm, well it'd appear as though Envy made one more stop along the way... Before Roy ever even picked you up." She looked down at the ground.

Edward was following but how slowly and unclearly she was describing the whole thing was sorta annoying.

She continued, "as you might know, depending on how much he told you, the Colonel is... Er, rather particular on his alcohol. He only gets it from one particular person at one very specific liquor store." She took a deep breath. "I believe Envy... No, I know Envy was the bar tender who gave him the alcohol. Now how envy knew about his plans in advance is a issue all in it's own, but Envy defiantly poisoned his drink." She finished.

The blonde stared at her for a minuet. "So he was poisoned..." He said mostly to himself.
"...By envy... Okay, so then why go through all this trouble to kidnap you and get his attention?" He was getting a bit flustered now. "If he was just trying to kill him with poison I mean."

She cleared her throat once again, she had been doing that a lot over the past few minuets. "Well Edward, that's certainly the question. We do have our reasons to believe that either the liquor or me had been a back up plan, but still.."

Winry popped her head in the room suddenly, she had been down stairs trying to sort out paper work about admitting Edward and Roy into the hospital. With Envy around, they certainly didn't want him to discover where they were, and they would be easy to find with they're real name so Winry was supposedly working on using aliases.

Winry grinned at the short Alchemist. " hey Ed! Uh, Hawkeye?" She didn't wait for a response, "can you come help, they need another signature for Colonel Mustang." Riza just looked at her and nodded.

Riza smiled slightly as she made her way across the room. "I'll be back shortly Edward. We can continue this conversation then." She said before closing the door.

Ed shifted in his seat uncomfortably before finally setting his eyes on Mustang. He looked way to innocent, it was weird. "Yo, colonel bastard. Stop sleeping already will ya?!" He shouted, hoping it would wake him up so this wouldn't be so awkward.

He didn't reply, no did he even move. "C'mon ya bastard, please? I'm feeling sorta... Err, weird about you right now. So wake up so I can punch you in the face and feel better." He said.

The more he thought about it though the less sure he was that he wanted Mustang to wake up. When he'd woken up earlier. It'd honestly scared Ed, Hawkeye had been kneeling at his side with a washcloth and a cup of icy water, he was screaming loudly and three nurses where aiding Riza in restraining the delusional Flame alchemist. After nearly twenty minuets of fighting a barley conscious Mustang, they were successful in drugging him into yet another dreamless sleep.

Authors note: sorry about the lack of kissing, I've now had several requests for it and me myself want it too! I was planning on adding it into this chapter but found a better way to fit it into the next. :)

Disclaimer: I don't own fma or any of the characters, if I did there would be a lot more yaoi.

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