Burned (a Roy x Ed fanfiction)

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Yet another wet and glistening tear streamed down the young alchemists face. He had no clue why but, he couldn't stop them, one tear after another. He was silently crying to himself as he held the hand of an almost now completely lifeless Roy.

The flame alchemists breathing had slowed to the point where Edward had to strain to hear it, he was going to die.

Ed had tried to pick him up, at the very least move him onto the bed if not the car parked outside, however Ed found that extremely hard to do considering he found it impossible to stand himself. His legs were shaking (well one if them anyways) and his auto-male felt extremely heavy. Odd, he knew if something ever happened to anyone he knew in the military he would be upset, even with Mustang for gods sake, but he didn't think it'd be this bad.

He stared off at the bathroom door across the room absentmindedly. He was defiantly in shock, probably starting around the time he'd been ditched on the street and...picked up by Mustang...and, oh jeez what'd Mustang done to him?! He'd probably drudged him right? That'd explain why he felt so, weird right?

These deep thought hurt his head to much, he went back to doing nothing, if he could stand he could find a phone. But that wasn't very likely to happen. Another few tears trickled down his pale face, he felt sick. "C-c'mon colonel bastard...." He mumbled to himself sounding far to much like a lost child then anything else.

His vision blurred again, it had been doing that off and on for a while now. He'd almost grown used to it at this point. He listened, Roy's breath was shallower then just a minuet ago. Crap, he was running outta ti-

The front door burst down, followed by light footsteps and the clear sound of a gun being cocked. Whoever it was, they were loaded. Edward froze, he didn't even look away his eyes just widened as he continued to stare at the bathroom door.

The footsteps were getting louder and closer, it sounded like the person was taking a sweep of the living room first. "Mustang?!" Yelled a familiar voice. All to familiar... Riza.

Ed snapped his head up and looked out towards the direction she was headed. He wanted to say something, to get her attention, but his throat was dry and he found it almost impossible to talk. Instead he just sat there helplessly.

He heard a door open with a bang, distant foot steps followed by another shout for mustang. Finally she entered the room. She stood there for a moment, just staring at the sight before herself.

She snapped out of it and knelt down besides Edward who looked like a terrified child. Her head was bandaged and her clothes showed specks and splatters of blood here and there. "Edward Elric?" She said softly, looking into his distant and wide eyes. She placed her hand under his chin and tilted his head up so they were looking into each others eyes.

Her hand was warm, not what you'd expect considering how cold it was tonight. It was quite nice... "H-Hawkeye...?" Ed said doubtfully. Completely oblivious to the fact he was still holding Roy's hand.

She did a half smile, though she was clearly worried. "Yes, it's me. Can you stand?" She said calmly.

No way, no way could fullmetal have done this though. Especially considering how scared he seemed. After a pause, he shook his head. "I see." She said simply, clearly not what she wanted to hear. She felt Mustangs pulse. Her eyes flinched, she knew it was bad, she knew it was just a matter of time before he stopped breathing all together. "Look, we've got to get him back to HQ, and fast. I need your help okay?" She said coaxingly.

Edward stared at her. "...uhu..." He managed. But He didn't move.

"C'mon fullmetal please! He's dieing!" She yelled urgently. "Besides, Envy has your brother."

Authors note: I'm back to publishing regularly! So I guess that's my excuse for why it's so short XD hope you all enjoyed!

Disclaimer: I don't own FMA or any of the characters, If I did there would be a lot more yaoi.

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