Burned (a Roy x Ed fanfiction)

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Envy glared at Al, why was he such a smart ass? "Sure, but once your in the deal do you really think Edwards gonna care what the consequence?" Envy replied, sounding all to dominant.

Alphonse knew he was probably right, once Edward found out about Envy (assuming he hadn't already) would be on his way to beat Envy into a bloody pulp. "Hm, but that would mean you had me captive in some way." Al said, trying to take control over the situation.

Envy growled softly, how dare he. Did the fullmetal-pipsqueak 's brother actually think he was better then him?! No way, Envy could so easily kidnap both of them! As he was slightly showing now. "Please. I can take you and your pipsqueak brother!" He said angrily. He realized he'd let the metal alchemist get to him, yeah he was pissed now.

Al wasn't sure wether Envy's sudden anger was laughable over how easily he'd gotten upset or wether he should be a bit concerned. It was technically possible he was more dangerous the more Al provoked him but still, the longer he could stall Envy the better. He waited a moment while Envy stared at the floor before speaking once again. "So, how do you wanna so this?" Al said smartly, as he clapped his hands together and slammed then to the dirty cement floor.

The floor trembled for but a second before the ground grew up from under Envy's feet, attempting to bind him in place. Envy jumped right before they could lock down on him, jumping on top of one of the old crates to his left.

Envy chuckled, this was amusing indeed. "Well then, little alchemist... What'd you think you were gonna accomplish with your petty alchemy? Huh, fool." He said as he jumped down suddenly off the crate and onto Alphonse's shoulders. "You humans disgust me..." He paused. Laying out his next words very carefully. "Though, I suppose you not even really human are ya."

Al froze for a moment, letting the words sear into his mind, before continuing his struggle to get Envy off of him. Envy didn't know him, right? Or did he know Al better then Al knew himself? He hated these useless emotion at times like these. "S-shut up Envy! You don't know anything about me!!!" He screeched. He hadn't meant to overreact like that, because he knew that's what he wanted. To get to Al, find his breaking point.

So that was it. He himself didn't even fully believe he was human, what a fool. "Well then. What-ya say we get this over with huh?" He chuckled, "then you can get some time in on figuring out your place eh?" He then Unlatched the small metal clasps on the sides of Al's armor head and removed it quickly, he then thrust it into the air. It clanked to the floor several feet away.

This had caught Al by supersize, he had no time to even attempt to stop the flexible humunclus on top of him. "H-hey! What'd ya do that for?!" He said confused, before Envy smacked his entire suit-of-armor body to the floor.

That was better, now Envy was taking the lead. He liked it that way and only that way, to be dominant. But then, how could he move the alchemists entire body into the storage room closet on the other side of the upstairs? ...Oh, that was it. He'd take him apart.

Alphonse was still unsure on how exactly Envy had managed to take him down so fast, let alone keep him down. He heard the sound of one of the hinges to his right arm unlatch. Oh no. He was going to completely take Alphonse apart! Unable to struggle instead he just lay there. Letting the humunclus dismantle him.

Authors note: hope y'all like that chapter:) that one was shirt and snappy XD (no pun intended) next we're back with little edo and roy!

Disclaimer: I do not own fma or any of the characters, if I did there'd be a lot more yaoi;)

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