Burned (a Roy x Ed fanfiction)

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Roy reached his shaky, pale, cold hand over onto Ed's shoulder. He'd woken up just a few minuets ago and felt extremely shity to say the least, his head was swimming and he had very little remembrance of what had happened, where he was, or how he'd got here.

None the less, he had woken to an all to familiar and honestly comforting sight, the blonde alchemist was sitting in a chair next to him. His long golden hair was loose and draped around his shoulders, he was breathing lightly and had his legs where crossed sassily like he did whenever he was in the Colonels office to turn in a report, the one thing different was the fact he was waring hospital shrubs instead of his much more fitting red coat Roy had grown so used to. Ed has fallen asleep and in a way Roy didn't want to wake the peaceful alchemist but he really needed to talk to him.

The flame alchemist opened his mouth to speak, it was dry and tasted metallic like blood, he cleared his throat despite the taste and discomfort in doing so.

His hand on Fullmetals shoulder was still shaking. "...h-hey fullmetal..." He said. His voice was strong sounding despite the trembling behind it.

The blonde alchemist shifted slightly in the large red cushioned chair, a golden lock of hair falling away from his face. His cheeks were pink from sleep, clearly much needed and his stunning golden eyes were locked up by fluttering eyelids. Ed opened his eyes, he stared at the chair for a second before lunging up from the chair.

Damn, he hadn't meant to fall asleep! He looked up, only to find a very wide eyed Mustang staring blankly at him, no doubt wondering what the hell was wrong with him for jumping up like that. Edward stood there dumbly just staring at Mustang, contemplating what to say.

Roy cocked his left eyebrow into an arch, staring at him with great confusion and yes, even a hint of amusement. "...you all right there f-fullmetal?" He said in his usual tone.

Ed grinned, he hadn't meant to, it had just escaped him. He couldn't believe he was thinking this but he was very, very glad to have Mustang awake and 'normal' "er, yeah I'm fine..." He responded lately.

Roy smiled weakly, his head really hurt. He didn't even know where to begin or really what to even ask Edward. The only plus to all the is that Ed didn't seem to be acting weird about the events that when one... Whenever that was. Well, at least he remembered that.

"Gyaaaah! What's wrong with me?!" Ed shouted as he ran to the sink frantically. Roy watched now REALLY confused and still quite amused by the young alchemists frantic actions.

Roy cleared his throat again. "Um, Edward Are you sure your okay?" He asked yet again. Ed didn't reply but instead continued rummaging about at the sink. Roy looked around, he noticed every inch of space around him was completely covered in giant bundles of flowers, several tags stuck out that he could read such as at least two from Havoc, one from Winry, Breda, and about three from Hawkeye which was quite laughable.

Ed nodded in answer if Roy's question as he returned from the sink with a glass of water, he held it out to Roy who stared at it blankly. "Drink." Ed demanded.

Roy chuckled, his hand was shaking far to bad to hold it he knew, however he couldn't ask Edward for help, no his pride was to great for that. "C'mon drink it ya bastard." Ed demanded again.

Edward had no clue what to do, he was acting normally around him right? He real hoped so. Why wasn't he taking the wate- oh... He looked down at him a bit closer this time, Mustangs hand was shaking badly and really so was his entire body.
Damn, there he went again taking pity on Mustang.

The blonde sighed and sat down in the chair again and pulled it up closer to the bed. "Hawkeye is here you know, she should be back anytime now. Actually I'm surprised it's taking this long." Ed said trying to pull Roy's attention towards his talking instead of the fact Ed was giving him a drink. "They're attempting at admitting us into the hospital with aliases." He raised Roy's chin, damn Mustang was looking at him weird.

He put the glass to Roy's lips, still holding his chin up, his lips parted to allow water. He drank slowly, closing his eyes and wincing with every gulp. Roy gestured his hand symbolizing for Ed to stop. Edward complied and they stared at each other for a minuet.

"You seem hot." Ed said without thinking. Roy looked at him slightly stunned. "N-not like that! I meant... Never mind, just lemme get a wash cloth." He said flustered as he went to stand and escape the situation.

Mustang acted rashly sometimes, he needed answers. Now. And he was certainly acting rash right now but he wanted to know everything that had happened before he passed out, which he felt was soon coming. He grabbed Edwards wrist before he could stand.

"W-what are you doing?!" Ed stammered. His face went hot, his cheeks were clearly red, he was holding Ed's hand. Oh no, now he was defiantly going to know Ed had a crush on him!

Roy took a deep breath. "Please, I'm fine fullmetal really. Just do me a favor and explain what the hell happened." He yanked the young alchemist over to him by the wrist, ignoring the blush on Edwards cheeks so not to embarrass him.

Ed was roughly six inches away from colonel Mustangs face, he was gonna crack. His face was getting hotter and hotter every second. "Explain." Roy said trying not to sound weird.

Before Ed could get a word out or really even think, he found both of there mouthed pressed together in a kiss. Ed had no clue who had actually kissed the other but neither was struggling so he found it hard to care. Wait, this was nasty! He hated Mustang, that bastard! Wait, then why was he enjoying this? He didn't know what to think anymore he thought he hated Mustang but found him self overly content in his arms, and happy kissing him.

As much as it pained Fullmetal to think it, he really did love Mustang. If that was the right word, well any who he really had a big crush in him at the very least.

Authors note: okay, wow that was kinda a hard chapter to do. XD well, I hoped you lot enjoyed the much requested kiss haha.

Disclaimer: I don't own fma or any of the characters, if I did there would be a lot more yaoi.

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