Burned (a Roy x Ed fanfiction)

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Despite Ed's deep hatred for colonel Mustang, he found himself growing relaxed in his arms. His eyes where shut and his breathing was light, he could almost fall asleep in the bastards arms considering the day he'd had.

No matter how much he thought about it Edward could see no reason the older alchemist would do something like this, didn't Mustang hate Ed too? Or was it all...just an act? That thought scared Ed a bit, he tried not to think about it.

He had given up struggling quite some time ago and now found himself limp in Mustang's grasp. He WAS really warm, soft, and just all around comforting, but still. It was colonel Roy Mustang! "L-leggooo.... Of m-me..." Ed mumbled into Roy's shirt. "Is that what you REALLY want though Edward?" Roy said sexily. His voice, saying Ed's name like that had almost melted him.

The flame-alchemists response had actually caught Edward by surprise, of coarse he wanted him to let go, he was a disgusting and a nasty pervert! Or did he want him to? The fact was now that he felt so powerless in Roy's arms he saw little point in struggling or having Roy let go. Ed sighed, damn him.

Roy chuckled. "That's what I thought." He said a perfect smile across his face. Roy remained calm but couldn't help but shiver as he felt Edward's icy hand slide up the back of his shirt over his wrinkled clothes, the blondes arms were now clasped around Roy into a closer hug.(if that's possible)
"I-I hate you...you bastard..." Ed mumbled. And despite the long history behind those words for them, Roy took no offense. He saw no hate behind those words Ed was just incapable of being kind to him.

Roy thought of many of his usual witty replies to something like that, but none seemed appropriate for the moment. Damn. Roy instead just didn't say anything and stayed quiet. He really just liked hearing the little alchemist breathing, and just knowing he was there in his arms. He had always sorta found the little alchemist attractive in one way or another and always found himself more concerned and less at ease when Edward was out on one of his missions. When he'd come back battered, bloody, and bruised both mentally and physically, At times like those all Roy found himself thinking about was three things, 1) just talking to him and making it all okay. 2) tell him how much he loved...loved? Yes, love him. 3) not his paperwork.

Roy's head suddenly started spinning, gradually getting worse As he stood there. What the hell was going on?
"E-Ed..." He mumbled feeling helpless. He hadn't actually meant to say anything, especially not Edwards name.

Ed struggled to get his head up out from under Roy's warm arm, he looked up at him, confused. "Huh?" Ed said, his voice just above I whisper. It was almost annoying that Mustang has broken the silence, he really was trying to pretend this wasn't happening and that he wasn't content in his arms.

Roy was at a loss, unsure of what to do. Why did he feel so weird...? "Ed...." He said meekly before literally dropping to the ground. He was unconscious.

Authors note: Ohhhh snap! What is gonna happen to Roy?!
Next we're going back with Al and Envy I think just to be cruel. Oh, sorry about the late post btw I was on vk!

Disclaimer: I don't own FMA or any if the characters, if I did there would be a lot more yaoi;)

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