Welcome Home Tonight - James Cassells

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"Baby, can’t wait to see you!" you whined over the phone to your boyfriend who’s touring with Asking Alexandria, playing the drums.

“James, please come home!”

“Only three more weeks, Courtney, and I’ll be home”

“Okay.” You huffed and said, pouting “But you’ll have to make it up to me”

“Sure thing, love, now go to sleep, it’s late!” he smiled as he playfully commanded.

“Hmmm” you started teasing “Well, since you’re not here, you can’t make me”

“Oh, you are sooo getting it when I get home” he laughed and you played dumb asking “Oh, yeah? What are you gonna do?”

“Tickle you to death while we watch The Conjuring”

“I’m asleep!”

You weren’t exactly a horror movie fan but if it was with James, you could live.

“I know you’re a good girl.” his voice suddenly changed to deep and loving “Goodnight babygirl, love you”

You didn’t reply, just waited for him to hang up, but he didn’t until after you was asleep.

*while you were sleeping*

James quietly entered the house and silently put his bags down by the door, trying not to wake you. He pulled a big, fuzzy, deep blue blanket and a few cherry scented candles which he put on the coffee table before putting Supernatural in the DVD player.

He purposely made a noise downstairs that would wake you up.

*Your POV*

You woke up to a tumble downstairs so you rolled over in the bed you and James share and checked the time on your phone which read 3am.

“Who the fuck could that be?” you whispered to yourself, still half asleep and went downstairs to check it out.

You heard the doorbell ring and behind them was the lad that delivers pizza.


“Here’s your pizza”

“Uhmm, what?”

“It’s paid and it’s for you.”

“Thanks, I guess.”

“You’re welcome. Goodbye, enjoy your pizza!” the pizza guy chimed and left.

As you closed the door, you turned around and let out a short breath “Ooookaaaay” confused as Hell.

“Do you like it?” You hear a familiar voice but can’t see the man. You turn to face the couch in the living room and see candles on the coffee table and a blanket that looks warm, underneath which laid half a dozen of small, colourful pillows.

A shadow stirred the peaceful flare of the candles and before you were able to react to it, a strong, all too familiar arm wrapped around your waist, other one over your mouth.

If there was any doubt in your mind about who it was, his strong, rough English accent washed it all away.

“Don’t drop it” James whispered in your ear and took the pizza away, removing his hand from your lips, allowing them to meet his.

“You said you’d be home in three weeks! For fuck’s sake, James, it’s 3am! You scared the crap out of me!”

“Shut up” he demmanded the pressence of your lips on his, cupping your face and crashed your lips them together.

After two minutes of rough kiss, he pulled away and took your hand, making your way to the couch.

“What are we watching?” you asked as you placed the pizza in the table.

“Surprise.” James remained mysterious and pulled a blanket over you, leaving room for you to lay your head on his chest.

He started the DVD and you let yourself fall further into his frame and took a deep breath, but you couldn’t help but giggle when you realised he smelled of alcohol again.

“You’ve been drinking again?” you scowled playfully and he deffended “Danny got smashed again and Ben and I had to carry him back to the bus!”

“He was all over you, wasn’t he?” you smiled and kissed your boyfriend’s lips “Should I be worried about competition?”

“No way in seven Hells!” he laughed becore cupping your face and deepened the kiss.

You didn’t notice the movie has started until a loud noise busted through the souns system you were surrounded by. Your head whipped towards the TV and you say red letters “Supernatural! James, you know how long has it been since I watched it!!”

James’ deep laughter overpowered the sound of Dean’s voice and you slapped his shoulder.

“Whaaat? It’s just a show!” he said sarcastically and you faked being shocked, covering your mouth like he’s killed someone.

“JUST a show? It’s Super-freaking-natural! And this is I Know What You Did Last Summer, with Anna! It’s Dean and Anna! You know what that means?”

“That we don’t need to go to the bedroom?” he winked.

“You stupid cunt,” you chuckled “No. It means I need tissues and popcorn and you and then when I’m with all the sad feels, we can play Anna and Dean” you winked back and after a small fit of laughter, both of you turned back to the television to continue watching Supernatural.

You were literally at the edge of the couch when you felt a pair of warm, familiar arms snake around your waist and pull you back. Your smile grew wider until you were back to sitting on James’ lap and nuzzled his face in your hair, playfully biting the back of your neck.

“Awwww,” you cooed “I have a puppy now?”

He nodded and kissed your lips again.

“Then maybe, just maybe, you get a treat afterwards”

You said and turned your body towards him, straddling him and placed your lips on his, smiling like a 5-year-old on Christmas morning.

His hands started roaming up your thighs and slowly made their way around your waist as your palms laid on the sides of his neck, your thumbs carressing his jawline.

Your tongues played with eachother and when you pulled away to take a breath, James took a strong hold around you and swung you around a few times after he had stood up.

Both of you laughed like crazy and the two of you shared a look, your eyes sparkling like a thousand stars.

“Have you got any idea” you spoke and accentuated ‘any’ “How much I love you, darling?”

“Fortunately” James replied “You remind me of that every day”

“You should feel special, mister” you warned waving with your index finger “I only remind you of that”

“Aren’t I the luckiest fucking bastard in the world?” he smiled sheepishly and planted yet another a sweet kiss on your lips and you let yourself fully fall under his spell and wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled your legs up towards your bum.

“What do you say about Supernatural Season 3 marathon?”

“I say,” you said “Fuck yeah” as he swung you towards the couch again and let go of you so you softly landed on the couch and crossed your legs, waiting patiently for him to join you. Pulling the blanket over you and him again, you continued watching Supernatural, cuddled under a warm blanket and ate popcorn.

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