The Ride Of My Life

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Imagine for kellovesluke xx

You and Louis met through a mutual friend and now he asked you out on a date. You have been warned that he takes girls on a first to the amusement park so you dressed accordingly.

Short denim jeans, a loose white tank top, a pair of Vans and a nice bleach jeans shirt. Your hair was let free to fall down your back but a hair-band waited excitedly on your wrist just in case it was needed.

You were ready and went outside your house to wait for the prince in shiny car. He drove to your house and came over to you to give you a hug and then you two skipped over to the car.

"So. I guess you have an idea on where were going, don't you?" he asked and looked over at you. You nodded and answered happily "All I really care about is that it's fun!"

He chuckled and continued the small talk.

"Here we are!" he said excitedly and ran around the car to open your door before you could and held out his hand for you to take.

"Thank you very much, kind sir." you teased in a royal voice and took his hand pretending to be a princess. He rolled your arm under his and whispered "You will make a great princess someday" to which you giggled and replied "Only if you're my prince"

A light laugh rolled inside his chest while you walked over to the biggest ride in the park.

"Are you afraid of heights?"

"A little." you nodded cheekily and he put his arm around you protectively and chuckled "You're safe with me" with a peck on the cheek. Of course you weren't scared, but he didn't have to know, did he?

"Up we go!" he said excitedly and jumped up in his seat before looking at you and teasingly pulled you in a side hug. "I'm here babe, don't worry. Everything's okay" he shook your shoulder and showed his pearly whites. You smiled back and snuggled closer.

The ride began and when you came all the way up the last time, he tilted your head towards his and before you even adjusted, his lips were pressed against yours and your heart started pumping like crazy. He pulled away and stared into your eyes before happily announcing

"You're fun and fun-nay! Will you be my girlfriend?" while counting the adjective on his fingers with a bright smile. You answered with a bright pink in your cheeks and a soft peck on his lips "Any day, baby"

He cheered just as you got down. He took you to a photo booth where you took loads of nice photos and made a "diary" of your favourite pictures and quotes in a photoalbum he bought you. You also received a teddybear he won for you. You spent the rest of the day showing just how much fun you were with an occasional kiss and holding hands on your way back.

ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora