Long Time No See, Styles!

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Imagine for dreamingaboutlondon (tumblr) [I believe her name is Ena, but I'm not sure XD ]

Harry, your best friend since middle school, is on tour with his fellow bandmates and you’re feeling a little lonely so you decide to call him. You dialled his number and he answers on the first ring- “Hey, love, what’s up?”

You’re a little surprised by it but you find your voice and answer shakily -“Hi, love. Nothing really, just missed ya.. How’s the tour going?” you smile because you know how much this means to him.

“It’s going great! We have loads of fun, wish you could be here though, miss you too…”

“I promise I’ll come to a concert some day! Just to see you all happy on the stage, jumping, singing, yelling and making a complete fool of yourself!” you teased and he returned the favour-“Just being myself, aye?”

“Exactly.” you giggled and he let a small laugh out.

“Oh, I almost forgot! We have a break in two days for three days! Guess whaaat??” he shouted excitedly and guessed-“You’re coming for a sleepover, curly?”

“A-ha. Make sure-” “I have enough shampoo, I know, I know, of course, I just bought a new one!” you laughed and he answered- “Alrighty then. I’ll bring your favourite movie and loads of ice-cream, okay? I gotta go now, love, see you soon! Love ya!” he cheered and blew a kiss through the phone.

“Can’t wait! See ya, love you too, curly” you replied and hung up.

This was it. Your best friend was coming for a sleepover the first time since he left for tour 3 months ago.

He drove to your house in his car as you waited for him on the porch of your house.

“Yo, [Y\N], could you help me out?” he shouted over at you from his car as he started taking some brown bags out of the car. You nodded and skipped over to him taking one of the bags from him and said - “Long time no see, Styles.” and winked with a teasing smile.

“Right back at ya” he followed your lead and put his arm around your shoulder while you walked to the house.

“I’m glad you’re finally home.” you said and kissed his cheek to which he replied with a smile and a kiss -“I’m glad to be home. Now, let’s grab some spoons and start the movie, shall we?” he said and went to the kitchen for some spoons while you got the blankets and a few pillows on the couch. You set the ice-cream on the coffee table in front of the couch, turned the tv on and put ‘The Ninth Gate’ in the DVD player. Harry trotted back to you with two spoons and a little pink bag. It looked like one in which a box for a ring would fit. He handed it to you and said- “Since you didn’t show up at the airport when I was leaving, I held on to it ‘cause I couldn’t think of another person to give it to. It reminded me of you on tour and now it’s gonna remind you of me for as long as you wear it.” he opened it and gave it to you. The ring was small and simple, a nice silver ring with a subtle engraving on it.

“Awwwwwww, Harry…. That is soooo sweet of you…” you melted and pulled him in for a big hug. He smirked and hugged back.

“Nah, it’s fine. You deserve to be treated like a princess. At least till you find your prince.” he hovered to the couch with you still in his arms and sat down with you sitting in his lap, still holding him tight and then put the blanket over the two of you.

The movie started and you heard him say- “Where are your parents anyways?”

You forgot about them.

“They’re on a game of cards. Don’t worry, you can stay. They won’t mind and I want you to stay. This feels great. I missed you lots.” You put your head on his shoulder and he rubbed your back.

“I’m not leaving, I promise.”

The ice-cream almost melted but before it did, Harry’s bulb turned on and he quickly grabbed and started feeding you it. The movie was great, Harry was warm, the ice-cream was delicious and you began feeling sleepy.

“Hey, I’m knackered. Can-” “I’ll take you upstairs love.” he cut you off and took you up to your room bridal-style. He put you down in your bed and covered you with thw blanket. Once he did, he gently kissed your forehead and as he was about to leave you took his wrist and made him stay. “Come here. Stay here with me.” he didn’t think much about it, he just laid down beside you and wrapped his arm around you and sang a a few songs to you before you fell asleep with your bestfriend by your side.

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