Just A Normal Gig At The Park - Jake Pitts Imagine

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Jake hasn't been your best friend that long, but he certainly is the dearest. Once, when he lost a bet to you, he promised to teach you how to play the guitar.

"Hola!" you yelled excitedly as you entered Jake's gigantic house.
"Hi there, [Y/N], come on, I'm in the back!" Jake replied to you from "the back", which is basically a big ass room with guitars hung up on the wall, called the great "music room"

With minor struggle, you got your sand coloured used-to-be-white high top Converse off and swiftly made your way to the music room.

He was sitting in the middle of the room, all in black like always, a plain, cotton black t-shirt, few leather bracelets, black skinny jeans ripped over the knees and black combat boots. He had a black bandana on his forehead so he could play easier and he had no make-up on.

"Ah!" you gasped and covered your mouth as you walked in and he smiled, still starring at the strings. "What?" you continued faking a shock "No makeup? Jakey, what happened?"
"What?" he smiled even wider and looked at you "You don't have any either" he joked.

You looked down and inspected  yourself, he was right. You were wearing a Black Veil Brides, signed t-shirt and gray skinnies and white socks since your Converse were waiting patiently by the door.
Your hair was up in the messiest bun in existence and your face was clean and clear, just your lips coated in lipbalm.

"Touche." you put a smirk on your face and made your way to him and sat on the stool beside Jake. He handed you a beautiful mahogany Dean guitar. Your eyes travelled down the wood which it was made of, it was a classic guitar and you fell in love with it.
"I don't remember you ever using it, Jake, or seeing it before, where have you been hiding this beuaty?"
He chuckled and replied "I got it hand made for you, only the best for [Y/N] SwiftFingers"
"SwiftFingers? Seriously?" you raise an eyebrow and laugh to which he shruggs "Improvisation. You never know what the fuck is gonna come out of your mouth"

Another wave of laughter filled the room and echoed back, this really was a music room.

"First lesson today is the G-minor." Jake started in a stern voice and gestured for you to put the guitar in the position.

He placed your fingers on the strings and tols you to strum them. You did as told a few times before moving on to a few other chords.

You did some rhythm exercises and chord switches before he pulled out his concert guitar.

"What are you doing, Jake?"
"I'm gonna show you the solo in Perfect Weapon, you always said it was your favourite and I'm gonna play some brand new, still un-recorded songs from our next album."

He stayed standing and started playing Perfect Weapon as you sang along. Every now and then he would look at you but you didn't notice cause your eyes were closed throughout the singing part. You opened your eyes when he started the solo and began looking at his skillful fingers make the guitar cry out like wolves at the full moon. You looked at his hands and the swift movement of his fingers in awe and the whole time he had his eyes on the guitar, not moving his stare the slightest bit.

He finished with the solo and looked up at you and nodded for you to continue singing. You did as he asked and sang along to Jake's playing, perfectly in sync.

At the last line, corners of your lips started curling upwards into a satisfied smirk and you bit your bottom lip in excitement, you knew you did great and Jake's facial expression let you know you were right.

"Wow, where have you been hiding that voice? It's so powerful and your body is so small!" he laughed and ripped you from your thoughts.
"What do you think I eat that much for??"  you joked as you were standing up "There is an opera singer inside me, she's eating all the food I put in!" You pulled your shirt to stroke your stomach, which was surprisingly flat for a girl who eats two burgers for breakfast.
"I can hear her growling in there," he teased and pointed at your stomach, "Is she hungry by any chance?"

You nodded with a puppy face and exclaimed "Burger King or pizza?"

"Pizza!" Jake decided and put his acoustic guitar in it's case and took it.
"Why are you taking the guitar with you?" you asked, puzzled at his actions.
"I never leave the house without my guitar! Who knows who we might see there and who would want to hear us play!" he said like it was the most normal thing for him to play for fans in the park.
"Okay." you replied, still mildly confused, but went with the flow, you were still getting pizza.

You got to the park and sat on the little stone fountain in the centre of the park and waited impatiently for the pizza to cool down, enough to be eaten.

Out of nowhere, a fan came over to you and Jake asking for an autograph and a picture, surprisingly for you, with both of you.

"Well, I guess I could take a picture with you, but I still don't get why." you smiled and looked at the boy with confusion playing around in your eyes.
"I heard you sing once. You were brutally amazing! I've been a fan since! I can't believe I actually met you!"
"Oh. Where did you hear me sing?" you were shocked by his words "You weren't stalking me when I was in the shower, did you?"
"Of course not! I'm Leo from school! You never noticed me cause you were always so popular and I was the freak in the corner." he put his head down in shame and blushed because he knew you wouldn't remember, but it was your time to shock him now.
"I remember you! You gave me flowers every Valentine's Day!" he smiled to your words and looked up at you like you were a godess when you said "I'm gonna call the boys to play a special gig for you. Me and Andy are gonna do duets for you and you'll get pictures with each of us!"

You quickly called the guys over with help from Jake and when you guys did Lost It All, Fallen Angels, Knives and Pens, I Am Bulletproof and In The End, Jake came over to you while the others were packing and whispered to you "That's why I always bring my guitar with me"

"I should too, new lesson tomorrow?" you laughed and he joined with "Sure thing. Park again?"
"Yeah, but without making a big deal out of it, I'm not a rockstar, you are"
"Ooooh, no. You, my darling [Y/N], are a rockstar too, you know why?"

You shook your head and popped your lips.

"Cause you're my best friends" he said as he kissed the top of your head and went to help the guys again.

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