Why'd you have to do that? (Prompt)

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The prompt is also bolded followed by italics for emphasis :) This was originally written on Tumblr for a writing challenge held by a girl named Katie from winchesters-favorite-girl. I hope you guys like it too!

Characters: Dean, Sam, Sister!reader (and do hellhounds count?)

Warnings: angst, mention of death, character death, a bit of gore (just a hint, don't worry) and major feels!

Word count: 1400 (I think)

Summary: After years of training with your adoptive brothers, you were finally getting a job on the field with something you haven't encountered yet but it went horribly wrong.

A/N: Also, tagging my besties so they can read it too. Every and all advice are welcome! &

Hope you all like it! :D


"Heyyo, any cases you two found?" You chirped walking into the library with a bowl of cereals
"Someone woke up on the right side of the bed this morning" Sam retorted with a confused look on his face.
"Nah, just had a good sleep, first time in a while"
"Well, that's good to hear and actually, we do have a case!" As Dean turned his laptop over to let you read, your eyes darted to the picture of a mangled body.

"A strong smell of rotten eggs and claw marks of a wildcat? In Kansas? That's not even far, like, a two-hour drive!"
"Yeah, we're suspecting a-"
"Hellhounds." You cut Dean off.
"Yeah, hellhounds. The woman mentioned had gotten a promotion as the head of the hospital she worked in. And the body is the guy who was the head before her"
"So she made a deal, but why did he get butchered?"
"He was chief of the hospital for ten years..." Sam chimed in
"So do I get ready, are we going?" You hopped in place, excited to see your first hellhound at the age of 20, but then Dean stood up
"Kiddo, you need to be extra careful, alright? These hounds are vicious and will attack anything that seems like a threat"

You nodded and listened as Sam pitched in
"We made a new pair of glasses for you and, please, wear something thick and sturdy, you really don't want that thing scratching you."
"Okies, I will!" You smiled and twirled around before running to your room to change.
"Huh, well she seems happy today" Sam smiled
"Yeah, that can't last very long.." Dean replied with worry washing over his tired eyes.

About three hours later, you and the brothers knocked on the door of the new chief of hospital to ask her some questions. While you and Sam were interrogating her, Dean got lost searching for leads throughout the house. He had come back with zero intel, much like you two.

"Nothing?" You sighed.
Dean waved his head and now Sam sighed as well.
"Can we like... Call someone? Summon a crossroads demon or something? Where's Crowley, he has to know something!"
"Uhm... Crowley's out of the business for a while." Sam replied to your inquiries and looked at Dean, guilt flushing their faces.

They hadn't told you what happened that night when the Nephilim was born. In fact, they hadn't told you anything about all that, they were training you as a hunter in less dangerous times. Hoping they would figure this out without putting you in unnecessary danger. You raised your eyebrow wondering why your brothers looked guilty and worried. You quickly waved your head and discarded the thought.
"What's the plan then?"
"Go to the hospital and see who knows something about this" Dean replied and on your way you went.


The three of you found out where the deals were made and went to the crossroads that was pretty popular in this town. Dean found out that was the fifth deal in the last two years and twelfth in the last 11 years. But the boys took care of the rest of the deals, leaving you to finish up the one you came here to do.

Half a mile south of the crossroads was an old abandoned barn that must have been here since the 50's. You had learned that the hounds would be here and you wanted to go out and hunt them down.

Working out a quick plan, you and Sam made your way to the west side of the barn while Dean scoured the east side. Starting out you didn't notice any strange noises or saw any disturbances in the air. Sam knodded and went off to the north leaving you to go south.

Crouching down and walking in stealth mode, you managed to get to the storage part of the barn when you heard shots firing around you. Sam and Dean were shouting your name. Running over to your brothers, you saw a hound laying on top of Dean. A painful tear streamed down your cheek as you shouted.

"You dirty son of a bitch, come over here!"

It seemed to work and the hound pounced. In a flashing moment, you were on the ground. A Hellhound dropped his weight on you and clenched his jaw inches from you face. The impact of the ferocious beast threw the gun from your hand. You tried to push the hound off yourself and managed but as it flew back, it clawed your abdomen. Blood came gushing out your waist as a scream errupted from your lungs without you even noticing.

Sam heard your screams, but he wasn't fast enough. All the while Dean was trying to get to his gun but there was another hound there. This one seemed larger than the first to you. The sight of both of them coming at you was straight outta horror film you used to see with the boys. The sloberring beasts ran toward you.

Trying your hardest to run away, you turned around and tried to stand up but the smaller hound wouldn't have it. It bit down on your leg as the other jumped over you and grabbed your shoulder.Dean was trying to get a clear shot at the hounds and Sam shot the smaller dog down as soon as he stopped dead in his tracks. He stopped an inch away from your big brother and shot the hound twice. Wincing it fell on the ground and you kicked it off quickly. The other one dragged and tossed you around like a ragdoll. Dean shouted at it, drowning your screams and it held it's head up barking at them.

Your eyes closed at the pain of being let go and you suddenly heard three shots. The beast cried out and fell to the ground a few feet from you.

Dean threw away his gun and rushed to your side. Careful not to hurt you any more, he cupped your face and shook you. Opening your eyes you met his glossy emerald eyes and for a moment you felt an icy cold in your body. Sam picked up the gun and walked over to you, kneeling down on the other side of you.

"Why'd you have to do that? Why did you have to risk it all for me? Again? Why Y/N? After so many times?" Dean tried to shout at you, but only whispers came out as he looked over your bruised and mangled body.
"After all the mistakes I made and all the times you got hurt because of me..."

You lifted your hand to wipe the tear off his cheek and graze his three day beard one last time "It's not a risk when you know you're going to die" you coughed up a little bit of blood and held your stomach tighter wincing faintly.

"It's not a risk, when you do it for your family, Dean, and you and Sam were the only family I ever had..."
Your eyelids felt heavy so you began fluttering them open to look at your baby brother one more time, his face soft and murky
"Don't lecture me, Sam," you started "please. Out of all the people..." You took a breath and adjusted yourself a little higher to help the pain of the lacerations "...in the world, Sam... Don't you say that to me..."

Shaking his head in agreement, he bent down with a sniffle before kissing your forehead. As he was about to pull you up in his arms, Dean moved Sam's hands away with a whisper "Let her rest... She'll be happy soon. Finally, truly happy."

You smiled at the sight of your brothers around you, it reminded you of your birthdays and how happy you three used to be.
"I love you, boys, see you all in Hell" you giggled and winked before gasping for your last breath.

The brothers each held one of your hands and could feel you growing limp, lifeless and cold to the touch. Sam shed a few silent tears over your body while Dean looked at your pale and mangled body with deadly determination in his eyes.

He was going to avenge you, and he was going to pull every single last demon from Hell and show them what it means to take down a Winchester. Because to both of them, you were always a sister, because family don't end in blood. 

(Katie's comment on Tumblr: "My poor heart wasn't quite ready for that.")


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2017 ⏰

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