The Promise Of Our Love

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Imagine for Ramla

The Promise Of Our Love

Zayn and you haven't been dating that long, about 5 months and with him on tour all the time you couldn't really spend much time together. That is, until you got the plane ticket in your mail and a letter which said: "Hey, love, I miss you extremely... Join me in London, I want to spoil you over a dinner at the... Nope, shouldn't have said that, I ruined the surprise... Anyways, we're going on a nice, not too fancy, dinner in London. See you there! xxxxx"

You were very excited that the ticket was in fact a first class reservation for tomorrow morning which gave you more than enough time to get ready. Zayn really loves you and he's always romantic and he's protective over you and you love that.

You packed your favourite dress, a nice, not too short, up to your knees, elegant dress that slightly gestured your figure, in pretty, light yellow. You matched it with a simple black clutch, black litas and some purple and red bracelets. In case you got cold, you took a nice, plain sweater of the same colour of the dress. You put some other things you needed in the bag and spent the rest of the day telling your friends how you're gonna have a dinner with the best boyfriend in the world in one of your favourite cities in the world. You wondered where he might take you but you didn't really want to know, you loved that he wanted to surprise so you just let it go for now. Before going to sleep, you texted him as always.

"Hey hun, thank you so much for the ticket. You're gonna be there, right?"

"Yeah, babe, I'm gonna be there like I always am xx"

"Aww, sweetie... That's why I love you x Can't wait to see you! :D"

"Me too! I love you but go to sleep so you get enough rest for tomorrow! Mwah x"

"Nighty night xx"

"Goodnight x"

With that thought in your head, you fell asleep. When you woke up the next morning, you were glowing. You couldn't wait to see your boyfriend. You did your last minute packing and got ready for the flight. It didn't seem long because you slept through more than half of it.

When you landed, you scanned the airport for Zayn's beautiful blond streak, but you couldn't find it. It was covered in black again and hidden under a hat. He came behind you, embraced your stomach, pulled you close and softly whispered in your hair "Hello beautiful"

"Hello babe." you turned around and let your hands roam through his coal black hair. You enjoyed that mich more knowing no one else is allowed to do that.

"Come on, I have plans for the whole day. Why don't we come up to our hotel room so you can grt changed and then we're off?" he sweetly said and showered you with kisses all over you lips and face. "Sounds great" you said and continued giggling because you were very shy and you were in a public place with Zayn all over you.

He finally stopped to take your suitcase and grab your hand so he could intertwine your fingers together tightly and you two walked to his car on the parking space in front of the airport. He drove to the hotel you were staying in and helped you up to the room.

You changed and got ready by around 4 so you had plenty of time to enjoy each other's company. You put the outfit you prepared before on and did your make-up in golden amd bronze colours which complimented your darker skin tone and dark brown eyes since you were of Pakistanian descent like Zayn. You tamed your long, thick black hair into nice waves and put your favourite golden earings and that were the finishing touches. All that was left was his arm around your waist to hold you close and make you feel loved.

He took your hand and you started walking to the bank of the River Thames. You were talking about the sunset and the silent sounds of the river and what not, shared sweet and soft kisses as you walked for hours. Once the night came and sun shyly hid and made room for the beautiful moonlight to shine over you, you noticed a table for two not far in front of you. You two skipped over to it and the dinner was already ready. Zayn, being the gentleman he was pulled your chair out and waited for you to sit before pulling it in again. You started eating. The soft light of the cherry scented candle made it more romatic and nice. When finished, Zayn took your hand and softly said "Ramla, love, I know it's only been 5 months, but I love you. And I want you to have something to remind you of us and remember us always and forever." he started turning his pockets trying to find something while you looked at him in confusion. He pulled out a long thin black box and when he opened it your jaw dropped. There was a beautiful gold bracelet with yours and his initials and the day you met engraved in it. "Oh, love... You didn't have toooo... Thank you sooo much..." you whispered because your voice broke in excitement and hugged him as tight as you could. "I love you" you whispered to him as he placed his lips on yours and spun you in the air. The kiss was soft, gentle and long, full of love. He put the bracelet on your wrist and kissed it before you started walking along the bank, hand in hand with a promise of your love on your wrist and your love beside you.

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