The Years Were Cruel To Her - Danny Worsnop (personal imagine)

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I was at home, making dinner while Danny was at the studio with the rest of the band.

I had scars from selfharm on my hipbones and my lower stomach part that I made years ago when I was struggling with anorexia. I didn't want anyone to notice them so I wore longer and tighter t-shirts.

When I was alone at home, I always wore a slightly oversized army print shirt that I took from my brother when I was still a kid and just my underwear.

I had no pants on because it was hot in the kitchen and it was spring.

Through the music by Asking Alexandria blasting, I heard a key in the door before they revealed my love coming in.

"Hello, babe, where are you?" Danny's voice echoed through the big halls of the house and made a smile pull over my face.

"In the kitchen, as I should be!" I joked and heard his footsteps coming nearer, reaching from behind.

"No," he said while wrapping his hands around me from behind my back, hands trailing over my shirt "You should be in the bedroom with me"

I felt a sudden wave of fear wash over me when his palms carressed my stomach, slowly falling down, right over my scars.

He moved his head from my shoulder and raised an eyebrow at me.

"What are those?" he asked sternly and I felt even more scared seeing him angry.

"Uhm, Danny, I... I... I don't... I don't know how to tell you..."

"How 'bout you spit it out already? I asked you a question!" his voice grew angrier, but he didn't raise it.

I put cooking aside and turned around to face him, he took a step back to give me space.

"I was going through a rough time, okay? I hated my body and I wanted to feel pain-"

"Then you ask your brother to fucking kick you" he screamed and then whispered with disgust hiding underneath the rage "Like he always did"

"I told you already, Danny, none of our fights were real, you stupid motherfucker! Those were play fights that got out of hand!"

"I saw your ribs! They were bruised like you were his punching bag!"

"But I was my own punching bag! I used a razor to tear myself up! You missed that one!" I defended my brother and continued through tears.

"My mind was beating me up! I wanted to rip the skin right off me..." my voice cracked, I had to whisper and lowered my head, staring at the ground "I got tattoed because I couldn't look at my own skin anymore. They mean the world to me, they represent what I've been through."

I took off my shirt, spread my arms and looked into Danny's eyes.

"See?" I asked him and started a tour of my tattoos "This one, on my left wrist is a quote from my favourite song, "The one they left has just begun", on my right wrist I have a wolf constellation because my family was like a pack of wolves, we stuck up for eachother and it lifted us to the skies."

I swallowed hard before continuing "On the inner side of my left hand, along my thumb, I have a trail of stars representing me reaching for the stars, doing everything I can to reach my goals. The big ones, on my left shoulderblade" I turned around to show him the tattoo "Two mighty dragons, a black and red one and a dark purple dragon represent Nepharian and Onyxia from the time when me and my brother were WoW addicts. The dragons are brother and sister and they're interwined because the brother-sister bond never dies. Their tails reach down my ribcage, cloaking three chinese symbols. The upper is Elder brother, the middle one Love and the lower one means Family. I plan on putting you in a tattoo as well."

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