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Taehyung's PoV

i like her. i really do. she's perfect. she was beautiful. her eyes, it shows many feelings, it was beautiful. her nose, tall and perfect. her lips, her kissable lips, i wanna kiss her. she was perfect for me. she was my bestfriend. since i was on my 3rd grade. it all started when i cant keep my eyes on  her. i was a transferee back then. it was lunch time and i tried to look for the canteen. it was such a big school, and i was young back then. i looked for it until i realized that i was at the garden of the school. it was beautiful. it had acacia trees, beautiful roses, sumflowers, and many more. i had no choice but to sit on the green grass, good thing i brought my long hanky. while i was eating, i heard a sound. a humming sound. it was from a girl. she had a very cute voice. i followed the hum until i saw her. my first love. she looked at me and smiled. "you must be the new transferee." she talked to me, which made my heart beat fast. am i in love? but im too young. well, age doesnt matter right?

"uh, yes, i'm-----" i was cut off by her speaking.

"kim taehyung, right?" she said.

"ne. how did you know?" i asked. "well, you are pretty famous since your cute. ah, i'm irene kim by the way."

Irene Kim. Such a beautiful name, owned by a beautiful person.

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