Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

"I'm proven to him that I'm nothing like my ancestors. He trusts me" Stefan frowns.

"He can't be trusted"

"Still waiting for the answer about John Gilbert" Damon groans.

"He knew about the sacrifice. Isobel told him. He said he knew the way to keep Elena safe" Rosalie shakes her head. She moves to sit down on the couch.

"He's not talking, at least not to me, anyway" Damon rolls his eyes.

"Great work, Stefan. Top notch. As if I didn't have enough problems"

"Hey, I'm sorry about Rose" Rosalie gazes at Damon. Damon glances at Rosalie.

"Whatever. I knew the woman for five minutes" Damon goes to leave the room. It's topic isn't good right now.

"And you cared about her after five minutes, though. I wonder what that means?" Damon sighs.

"It means I care, Stefan. It means I'm changing and evolving into a man capable of greatness. You better watch your back, because I may just have to go get a hero hairdo of my own and steal your thunder" Damon leaves the living room.

"Stefan?" Stefan comes to Rosalie side in a second. "We have another issue" Stefan sighs.

"What's wrong?" Rosalie sniffles.

"Tyler knows Damon killed Mason. He blamed Damon, you and I and Caroline for it. He looks so betrayed" Stefan nods. He rests his hand on her knee and rubs his thumb along the bone.

"Damon doesn't want vampires here. Tyler is potentially dangerous, he--" Rosalie stands up.

"No, Stefan. You and Damon are not going to kill Tyler"

"Rosalie, he's going to retaliate" Stefan breathes.

"Can you blame him? Stefan, he lost his dad and uncle in a span of a week of each other. We have to talk to him and explain the situation to him. He can't be left in the dark anymore. That other werewolf is big influence on him. We have to help him" Stefan gets up from the couch and hugs the stressed girl.

"We will. I promise. It'll be okay" Rosalie relaxes.


walks towards Caroline's car. She felt sick to her stomach. Caroline offered her a ride home from the memorial. It was already nighttime, the memorial was all day. Caroline wraps her arm around Rosalie's shoulder and rubs her arm. Rosalie smiles weakly at Caroline. Rosalie coughs harshly. Caroline opens the driver's door.

"Excuse me?" A girl calls out. Rosalie looks over Caroline's shoulder. "Caroline and Rosalie, right?" Rosalie nods.

"Yeah" Caroline tightens her grip on Rosalie's shoulder.

"I'm looking for Tyler. You haven't seen him, have you?" Caroline realizes who this woman is.

"Nope, not since earlier. Go around to the other side. Sorry, we have to go. She's sick" Rosalie nods. Caroline lets go of Rosalie. Rosalie rounds to hood of the car.

"I know you're lying," Caroline huffs. Rosalie stops in her tracks.

"Really, how? Is that one of your little wolf tricks?" Rosalie's mouth opens. She's the one who bit Rose. She's the girl looking for Mason. The girl smiles.

"Actually, it is" Caroline faces Rosalie. Rosalie sniffles.

"Well, I have a trick too" Caroline closes her car door. Caroline flips around and reveals her vampire face, hissing at the girl.

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