Chapter Nine

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"Sky, I'm glad you're okay." I sat next to him at the cafeteria as we had our lunch.

Survival skills are techniques that a person may use in order to sustain life in any type of natural environment. These techniques are meant to provide basic necessities for human life which include water, food, and shelter.

"Helena," he gulped his food as he stared at me making myself comfortable in front of him. "Uhh what- are you doing?"

Even animals need these skills in order to survive the harsh cycles called life. Like the human beings from the past, animals hunt their food to provide nourishment needed.

"I'm making sure you're okay." I flashed a smile at him as he raised his eyebrow. " know, with what happened last-"

And then, there are succubus demons.

"Okay. I'm fine. Now will you please leave? I don't want anyone to- know." He spat out interrupting me.

Just like human beings, animals and other living organisms, demons need necessities too in order to survive.

"Wow. I just wanted to know how are you, Sky." I replied all confused. "Are you mad?"

And just like them, demons need to hunt too.

He snickered a lifeless laugh. "Mad?" He stood up. "Helena, your father almost killed me. So yeah, I'm mad." He exclaimed and left.

Hunt their prey to survive.

I stood up. "Sky, please let's just talk!" I called out but got ignored, coldly.

Though sometimes preys are hard to get.

"The thrill of the chase." I laughed at myself.

But great predators always gets the prey.


Class was dismissed and me and Cay went out the school. We usually go home together since we live around the same block.

"So, he didn't talk to you after? What an ass." She popped her bubble gum as we walk through the sidewalks.

I smirked. "Yeah. But I'm going to fix things and we'll eventually get back together."

She cleared her throat, "Better do it quick cause mcdreamy's at 9 o'clock." She pointed at Sky who was alone waiting at the bus stop. Perfect.

"I'll talk to him." I said as I strut towards him.

He saw me and kinda rolled his eyes. "Helena, I told you to stay away from me." He hissed.

"But why?" I went near him. "Look, I'm really sorry about last night. But I talked to dad and it's all okay now."

"Just- stay away." He exclaimed somewhat sounding uneasy.

"Why?! Don't you not like me anymore? Is it something I did?!" I narrowed my eyes frustrated of his attitude.

"Helena, I—"

"So you're the witch who has been messing with my boyfriend last night." A high pitched plummy voice blurted behind me.

I turned around and saw a tall skinny blondie that has that typical cheerleader vibe, sipping on her matcha milk tea. Damn she looks good.

 Damn she looks good

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Wait, boyfriend?!

I quickly looked at Sky to hear his answer because I'm sure as hell curious as this girl.

His eyes widened, as guilt lingered unto his sweaty face.

He took a deep sigh and faced me. "I'm sorry, Helena." And looked at the girl,

"Vi, this is Helena. Helena, meet Violet, my girlfriend."

"Oh," She gazed at me head to toe. "Nice to meet you, Helena." She took a sip on her drink once more and extended her hand ill-mannerly.

My world stopped for a second letting those words sink in my mind.

All this time, I thought I was in a fairytale book because I went a date with my crush.

All this time I thought he was a good guy and he's romantic, fun to be with and all of the other cliché adjectives in the world combined.

All this time I thought he was the one because I thought that he's the one who can finally... be my healing.

"You even got me that stupid dinner reservation!" I punched his chest as tears run down my hot burning cheeks.

Who am I kidding. It was a joke from the start, I mean, he barely knows me, and I we seriously had our formal conversation only on that day in the nurse's office.

And to think I fell for the stinking fancy dinner reservation?! How fucking low.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" The witch raised her eyebrow and folded her arms.

I turned around and stormed back to Cay, who was on the other side of the road, witnessing everything.

"Helena," Sky immediately grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, like he did last time we talked.

I felt his freezing hand grasp mine, I don't know what to say, I feel enraged but at the same time, I feel guilty. Is it because I crave sex and thought he was the answer?

I don't know!

"Go to hell,  fuckboi!" I lashed out as my eyes landed directly into his.

He quickly let go of my wrist and shifted his expression into terror as fear lurked into his dark blue eyes.

I ignored his reaction and continued my walk back to Caia.

"Helena, are you alright?!" She called sprinting towards me.

Teary eyed, I looked at her and nodded.

She then held my hand and led me with her going back home. "Helena," She glanced at me while we walked.

I looked up to her still sniffing, as i wiped my tears.

"Your eyes... they're red."

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