Chapter Three

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I squinted my eyes as the bright sunlight coming from the glass window glared at my face.

"Hey, you're awake." A male voice greeted me.

I sat up and inspected the area, and realized I'm in the nurse's office. I looked around and in my peripheral vision, I saw a familiar guy. Wait.

Holy crap. Is that Sky fucking Aragon sitting at the corner?!

My heart pounded so fast I was sweating bullets! Am I already in heaven?! My eyes widened and my body started shaking again, but I maintained my composure by asking, "Uh- yeah

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My heart pounded so fast I was sweating bullets! Am I already in heaven?! My eyes widened and my body started shaking again, but I maintained my composure by asking, "Uh- yeah. Where's Cay?"

He stood up revealing his tall and rock-solid features. "She told me she had to go to her class and she'll leave you with me,"

Dammit! I can already feel her winking at me this very moment! "Shit." I mumbled, unaware it was still audible.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I won't be long. I just want to make sure you're fine until your father arrives, he's on his way right now so don't worry." He scratched his head.

"Oh, no. It wasn't..." Wait, he wanted to make sure I'm fine? I am in heaven! Is this even real?!

"Why are you so concerned though?" Okay. That just went right out of my mouth, I swear.

He narrowed his eyes as if my question bothered him. "Uhm because... As the leader of the first aiders of our school, it is my job to make sure all our patients get the attention needed until their parent or guardian arrives." He stated in the most monotonous voice I've ever heard.

Damn, I felt something broke.

I sat there, staring at him, speechless. What is he—

"But mostly because I want to make sure you're alright." He smiled.


I choked on my bed. My heart started pounding again, my cheeks felt like they were burning, and suddenly my whole body felt like it's burning as well, is it even normal to feel this way?

I nervously looked at him, "I uhh,"

Then suddenly, the nurse popped out of nowhere, "Oh, Helena. Good you're already awake, are you feeling better?"

Wow, thanks for ruining the mood, Nurse Cheps. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." I nodded.

"Are you sick? What's your dad's diagnosis on this?" She chirped somewhat sounding annoying. Is she still bitter about dad dumping her for mom?

"Oh, my dad doesn't know yet but,—"

"But I assume he already prescribed you meds so I won't give you any today." She bluntly interrupted as if she didn't even cared at all.

Okay, I understand dad's quite a player in his prime, especially in his work in the hospital but imagine being this petty after all those years? Geez.

I raised my eyebrow and didn't responded to her as she stared at me from head to toe, "Hmm. Visit your ob-gyne though, your symptoms suggests it." She chuckled to herself.

So is she implying that I'm pregnant?!

"Oh, and your dad's outside waiting for you. Sky, can you assist her please?" She grinned, walking back to her desk.

"Yes, ma'am." Sky nodded practically hearing everything she said. Ugh. I'm officially ruined.

Ohhh, I'll let you off this time, Nurse Cheps. Wait, no. What am I thinking? Dad didn't raised me to hold on to grudges. Ugh whatever.

"Uhm, can you walk?" He cleared his throat and looked at me as he reached his hand.

But thank you for the view, Nurse Cheps. Well, I can absolutely walk but, should I? Caia did said it was time for me to make a move.

I grinned, "I can try." I silently answered and stood up from the bed.

Only to fall immediately as he quickly caught me, already putting his arm around my waist for support. Hehe.

"No, you can't." He snickered, is he actually amused that I need help? "You can put your arm over my neck," He added as he looked at me with curious dull eyes.

We left and not long enough he stopped in his tracks and looked at me again, "I'm sorry, this is bothering me." He stated. What's going on?

"I really need to ask. Are you really pregnant?"

Oh, Sky.

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