Kind?! He won't even buy the house if she's not part of the package. And with all the things he has said to her? No. She wouldn't call or describe Jeonghan as kind. It's the least of the word she could come up with, or would not even think of.

"Oh my! I'm going to be late! Then let's talk more later."

"Hmm. Take care, Rin."

"Yep. You too." Rin replied sweetly that made her smile.

"Hmm. Bye." She said. She was sure she was not breaking any one's heart. She's not like that. With those co-doctors who made their selves clear on their intentions to her, she just can't give them back anything especially now that she already know the reason why her heart won't open up for somebody so easily.

She looked at the wall clock in the kitchen to see that it's almost nine in the morning. She's been up for hours since she had that dream and didn't return to sleep again.

Jae Kyung stared at the clean dining table as she remembers her dream. That dream scared her. That was not just a nightmare. She feels like it's more than just a nightmare.

She could still feel the same heavy feeling because of that dream. Yet after her conversation with Rin, she felt a little better now.

The shrill sound of her door bell broke her thoughts. Her forehead creased as she walked her way out of the kitchen. Did she leave her gate open again?

No. Not unless . . .

She cursed inside her head when she remembered who else know their gate's password except her sisters.

"I thought you have an appointment today?" She immediately asked Jeonghan when she opened the door for him and she didn't even prepare herself when he met her with his beautiful eyes.

He was leaning a shoulder to the doorframe and his brows shot up quickly once his eyes traveled from her messy bun to her disheveled top, unmatching yoga pants, down to her bare feet and then settled on the unappetizing sandwich on her hand.

"What are you . . ." She trailed off when she noticed two duffel bags lying down the floor. Her brows knotted together. "And what are those for?"

He didn't answer her question but instead he snatched the sandwich she's holding. "This is what you're having on breakfast?"

She gave him death glares and the sandwich on his hand. "Don't criticize what I am eating. What's with those?" She asked when he moved to pick up his two huge duffel bags after munching on the sandwich.

"I'm moving in." He simply answered and entered without giving her the time to retort back.

She even almost stumbles because of his two huge duffel bags, if only not with the door behind her, she would definitely fell down. She followed him inside when she recovered from her won shock.

"Are you joking?!" She exclaimed.

He stopped in the middle of the house, turned around with one bag hanging on his shoulder, the other swinging beside his hips. "Was it funny?"


He didn't say anything and just gave her a pointed look, saying 'So, there.' He put down his bags on the floor and walked to the kitchen, going directly to the fridge as Jae Kyung followed him like a puppy.

"Damn." He muttered under his breath. He turned to her with a glare. "This is your food?"

She shuffled on her feet from embarrassment. "Stop checking my fridge." She then moved to throw her sandwich on a trash bin. Her appetite left her the moment Jeonghan came.

BOOK 3: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Yoon Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now