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Michael gets swarmed by paparazzi while shopping at a mall, spots a kid with dyed hair, drags him to the bathroom and they switch sweaters and hats, and the kid walks out first, gettings the paparazzi attention, and then michael goes and escapes to the vehicles, then later tweets about the kid who helped him escape the paparazzi, and someone texted the kid, a friend that was a fan of the band obviously, who saw his sweater on michael, as he also tweeted a photo, asking the kid to go to his hotel, and the kid goes and gets his sweater, because thats his bitch and bring michaels his back. Lol this is just gayyyyyyy


Flash, flash, flash.

Camera lights blinded Michael, as the paparazzi closed in, snapping at everything he did, asking him stupid questions. He just needed a sweater, and he couldn't ask someone to get it, but damn, that's all he wanted. So he went to the mall, and someone saw him leave the hotel and he was swarmed. Michael did manage to get away for a chance, and ended up spotted a boy, the same height as him, tussled brown hair that sat on his head, and he was thankful he wore a beanie out.

"Pst, hey, you, come 'ere." Michael said whispering to the kid, getting his attention, the kid looked up and pointed at him, Michael groaned and nodded.

"Come 'ere." He told the boy, and the boy slowly walked to Michael, hesitant. Michael grabbed him and lead him to a bathroom not to far away, the boy of course struggled, fearing he was getting kidnapped.

"What? Where are we going?" He asked, trying to get out of Michael's grip.

"I need your clothes." Michael told him, pulling him into the gender neutral bathroom, and locking the door behind him. It was a single bathroom, so it was perfect.

"What? My clothes, why?" The boy asked, getting defensive.

"I'm famous, and I'm being stalked by paparazzi, can you just help me out? Please?" He pleaded the boy, hoping he would understand and he'd help him out.

"Sure, but what're you famous for?" The boy asked, already moving to take off his sweater.

"Um, I'm in a band, 5 seconds of summer, I don't know if you've heard of us, but yeah." Michael told him, taking off him jacket and beanie, handing them to the boy.

"Oh my friend likes you guys, you have dyed hair, you're Michael right? And you're the guitarist?" The boy said, confused, and unsure as he grabbed Michael's jacket, and handed him his stuff.

"Yeah, that's me, but what about you? What do you do?" Michael asked him, slipping on his baggy sweater, and putting up the hood.

"Well uh, I'm like nothing compared to you, my names Grayson Montee, I work at h&m, and I just graduated from east bunker high school." Grayson, told the guitarist, as he finished putting on his jacket and beanie, fixing his hair in the mirror, so none of it showed.

"Cool, well I guess we're done, you have all your stuff, right? Okay we can go now?" Michael asked him, gesturing to the door.

"Wait actually before you leave, can I give you some money? To get me a sweater? That's what I came here for, and then I was swarmed, so can you? Would you mind? Then you can come by the hotel I'm at?" Michael questioned him, pleading almost.

"Sure, like a large? Like what? Band kind of style? Or like graphic? Or just plain?" Grayson asked, awkwardly shifting from one foot to the other.

"Large, or like even this size, and uh, like this one?" Michael laughed awkwardly, gesturing to Grayson's sweater.

"Oh okay? Do I just lead them away? Where are you going to go?" Grayson questioned, anxious now, he was faking being a celebrity.

"Just walk left, thats where I left the paparazzi, I'm sure they're still there, and don't answer any questions, and I already told my driver to go to the right doors just over there, so I'll be fine, you'll be fine." Michael smiled, handing him some money and Grayson let out a breath of relief, and nodded, he secured his hair one last time, and walked out of the bathroom, walking for a bit before getting swarmed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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