//parfaite nuit de paris//louis//

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Lucas's pov.

Ring Ring Ring

"Hey Baby, it's me, Louis, your boyfriend, so I was thinking date night, me and you, parfaite nuit de paris? What do you think?" Louis, my boyfriend, asked once I picked up my phone.

"Sounds great, what should I wear?" I questioned him.

"Something beautiful as always, my prince." He told me.

"Lou, I told you to stop calling me that, it sounds gay." I whined.

"Babe, we are gay." Louis clarified.

"I know, but that's extra gay." I told him.

"Babe, I am the definition of extra." He sassed.

"Don't sass me Mr." I scolded him.

"Sorry sir." He apologized, laughing at the end of it.

"But seriously? If I don't call you my prince, what do I call you?" He asked bored.

"I don't know Lou, you're creative, you'll think of something, just remember, nothing too gay." I reminded him.

"What counts as too gay?" He asks.

"Lou!" I yelled at him.

"Sorry, sorry, I'll pick you up at 7, be ready beautiful." And with that, he hung up.

"Idiot..." I mumbled to myself, as I got up, and started to walk towards my bedroom.


Finally, it was time. It was 6:54, and I had just finished getting ready. I didn't really have anything fancy, so I made due with black skinny jeans and a white dress shirt, with of course a black tie.

It was still mid July, so I didn't have to worry about a coat, even though I lived in London.

I paced around, anxious about my date. This is the first time I've seen Louis, in about two months.

'What if he hates the way I eat now?

Or how I dressed?

What if he thinks I'm cheating?

What if this is a break up date?

Oh no, I can't do this. I can't do this. He hates me, he hates me.' All these bad thoughts ran through my head, I tried shaking them out, before.

Knock, knock, knock.

'Oh crap, he's here.' I internally screamed at myself. I walked towards the door, I pulled the door open.

"Hey Lou." I smiled at him.

'Okay, good, keep it clear, don't be awkward.' I told myself.

"Hi love, you ready?" He asked me, pulling me in for a hug, I hugged back and nodded.

"Okay good, let's go." Louis said, and took my hand, pulling me down to his vehicle.

"So?" He sighed once we got in.

"Yeah?" I said, twiddling my thumbs in my lap.

"No, not this again. I love you, you know, I love the way you look. I love you, I don't think anything bad about you, I love you." He reassured me, taking one of my hands in his.

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