//crush//niall & harry//

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Lucas's pov.

I was watching a interview the boys just did for their movie. And it came to a certain part.

"So Niall, has anyone special caught your eye?" The interviewer asked.

"Well Lucas has been looking quite fit lately-." Niall started but was caught off.

"My Lucas?" Harry asked turned to him.

"Mate he's not yours, you don't own him, he's just a crush for you." Niall told Harry.

"He's mine." Harry responded.

"I'll fight you for him." Niall suggested.

"You can't steal what's mine." Harry argued.

'Man these boys.' I thought.

'I better call them up and see what's the point in this.' I nodded to myself and got out my phone. I dialled Niall's number and waited till he picked up.

Ring Ring Ring

"Hello? Lucas?" I heard Liam's voice answer the phone.

"Liam? Why are you answering Niall's phone?" I asked him.

"Because Niall is covered in silly string and yeah." He sighed, and probably rubbed his face.

"Why? Is it because of the interview?" I questioned him.

"Guys! He seen the interview!" I heard someone yell, most likely Louis.

"Fuck!" A Irish voice screamed.

"Am I on speaker?" I asked.

"Yes?" Liam told me, as if asking a question.

"Should we just skype then?" I questioned him.

"That would be a good idea." Liam agreed, while someone in the back screamed.

"Okay, bye, see you in a bit." I told him, and hung up. I sighed and searched for my school bag, which contained my laptop. I finally found it, under my coat and longed onto it. Opening up skype, and logging in. I saw that Niall's skype was active so I rung him up.

Bee bop, boop bop, bee boop.

"Hey Lucas!" Liam yelled at me, through the screen I saw him being attacked by Niall.

"Niall, please get off Liam." I scolded him, and he got off. I then noticed the mess in the back ground.

"Oh you boys, did you have a war? Just because Harry and Niall like me?" I questioned them. Niall looked down.

"You boys didn't! Seriously?" I said annoyed.

"I was seriously debating which one to date, but now I don't know..." I trailed off, looking down then looking back up to see Niall's mouth open, and Liam stifling in a laugh.

"Oh by the way, where's Harry?" I asked, wondering why I hadn't seen my curly haired boy.

"Niall and Zayn tied him and Louis up to the pole downstairs..." Liam said, and Niall finally snapped out of his shock.

"It was their fault! He was saying really naughty things!" Niall whined in defence.

"That's no excuse to do that to your bandmates, that's it, I'm coming over. I'll see you in a few." I told them, hanging up and grabbing a sweater and my phone and leaving. I walked to their house because it was only a ten minute walk. I got there and walked in.

"Boys!" I yelled, kicking my shoes off and fixing them with my feet.

"Up here." I heard Liam yell back. I walked up the stairs, and saw all five boys sitting on their couch.

"You boys are all 21-23 years old, you should know better than to start world war three, over a guy! And why did you team up?" I scolded getting right to the point, then stopped to ask the question.

"They teamed up, because Louis thought you an Harry would look cute together, while Zayn thought you and Niall would look better." Liam explained.

"You know what boys, I'm perfectly happy being single and I'm perfectly happy just being friends with all you boys. There's no reason to fight, because even if I wanted to date Harry or Niall, I wouldn't want to wreck the bond they have. If one can't have me then neither of them can." I told them, huffing.

"You guys are brothers, brothers shouldn't fight over a boy, and Niall yes, I did seriously think about dating you both, but no." I told him, I watched as both boys sighed.

"Now is anyone actually hurt?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah, Louis hit me with a bottle of hand soap." Niall said, rubbing his arm.

"Louis! Go start picking up the silly string." I scolded him, glaring at him.

"Yes sir." He said, getting up and walking past me.

"And Zayn hit me with a hair brush." Harry admitted.

"Zayn! Go help Louis!" I ordered him.

"Yes sir." He said and bowed his head as he walked by me.

"Liam! Please go make sure they don't fool around." I asked him normally.

"Good idea." He told me, and patted my shoulder when he walked by.

"And then there were two." I muttered.

"We're sorry." They apologized.

"You better be, I know it may have been fun, but I don't want to be the cause you to break up." I sighed and sat between them.

"You both are amazing people, and it shocked me when I found out you both liked me. But it shocked me more that you actually fought about it." I told them.

"Now, I think you both owe someone a apology." I said and looked at both of them, Harry with his head in his hands and Niall with his head on the couch and hands on his face. They both sighed.

"Ni? I'm sorry." Harry said, lifting his head to reveal tears on his face.

"Me too." Niall told him, lifting his head off the couch, him just having teary eyes.

"You too hug it out, kiss and make out, I'm going to help the boys." I told them, laughed when they made awkward faces. I ran out before they could yell at me.

"They good?" Liam asked.

"Of course."

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