//better man//cashton//

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Chink, clink, click.

The door to my apartment unlocked, I stepped in and started taking off my shoes, grinning when I saw Ashton's shoes, frowning when I noticed a unfamiliar pair next to them. I swiftly kicked off my shoes, and raced up to my and Ashton's bedroom, as quickly as possible.

I froze when I heard moaning, groaning and grunts, I felt tears roll down my cheeks, and I continued till I was directly outside our bedroom. I noticed the crack in the door, looking up, and I saw clothes on the floor. I brought my hand up, and gently opened the door, hearing the creek made me cringe.

And I opened my eyes, and I wish I didn't immediately, I noticed Ashton on top of a girl, a girl that wasn't me. I noticed they had stopped and looked at me, the girl shocked, and Ashton's mouth couldn't stop opening and closing. Tears poured down my face, and it was the girl who started to speak first.

"Look, I'm sorry, I didn't know he had someone, I'm so sorry." The anonymous girl started to apologize, getting up from under Ashton, collecting up her clothes and got dressed.

"I'm so sorry." She told me, as she passed by, I stared blankly ahead at him. When I heard the door click closed, Ashton started to speak but I cut him off.

"You were supposed to love me." I told him, my heart breaking and more tears falling.

"Cal, I'm-" He started to say.

"Don't 'Cal' me Ashton, I loved you! All I ever wanted was to love you, and to be loved in return! Why did you stop loving me? When did you stop loving me?" I asked him, a lump forming in my throat, and I had yet to swallow.

"When you left, I realized I couldn't do it anymore, look, I love you, I swear I do, it's just-." He started, but kept fumbling over the last few words.

"It's just what? What is it? I do my job for us, for you! I do everything for you! I get up in the morning for you, I do normal every day things for you, I do everything for you! It's always been you!" I yelled at him, choking on a sob.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry." He apologized.

"Just leave, sleep on the couch, go to Luke's I don't care, I just don't want to see you, just leave." I told him, and I felt him push past me. I fell to the ground, and sobbed, I heard the door shut and I sobbed more.

"God, why am I so fucking stupid?" I yelled, not caring if the world could hear. I didn't care, I don't care, fuck I care too much.

"Why is always me breaking?"

~~~~~ »-----> <3

And things were different, so different, Ashton moved out, probably with Luke. He probably doesn't even think of me anymore.

But me, I think of him every day, all day, he's always on my mind. I switched up everything, I moved into a smaller apartment, compatible for one person, I moved my things around, got a new bed, new sheets, new music.

And it was hard.

So so hard, because everything I do reminds me of him. Coffee, movies, stupid songs on the radio, alcohol, bright colours.

So I no longer drink coffee, I drink tea, and I don't watch chick flicks or romantic movies anymore, bad ass ones now. I switched up the radio, listening to the comedy channel, I don't drink anymore, and black has always been my favourite.

And I discovered things I never knew I liked, like exotic fruits are really, really good, and I really like to laugh, and it's so much better when you aren't forced to be alone and kinda just find your own crowd.

But I didn't expect to see him at all after that.

~~~~~ »-----> <3

"Hi, can I get a expresso, two shots in there, with a chocolate chip cookie, thanks." I heard a familiar voice, as I walked into a little cafe that I discovered.

"Who's it for?" I heard Alex, a guy that works there, ask the guy.

"Uh, it's for Ashton." It felt like I suddenly couldn't breathe, and I stepped up behind him, he moved out of the way, stepping aside.

"Calum! You're back! How was your business trip!" Alex questioned, already tapping down my order, because I get the same thing every time.

"Calum?" I heard that voice ask, I turned around, seeing him face to face felt different.

I'm going to be okay, I'm okay now, and he will not break that.

"Oh hi Ashton." I smiled at him, then noticed Alex holding out his hand, I said a little 'sorry' and gave him a ten.

"You're here?" He asked, he looked different, his hair was longer, more everywhere, and he had a stubble, and was wearing sweat pants and a pyjama shirt.

"Yeah, this is a coffee joint I found, I come here all the time." I smiled politely, and his coffee and cookie was put in front of him.

"Have a good day sir." Alex smiled, not knowing what was going on.

"Yeah, it was good seeing you Calum, where are you living now?" The messy boy asked me, holding his stuff.

"Up on the hill actually, I got a promotion just after we cut it off, and I got a new apartment." I told him, and I notice him breaking.

"It's okay Ash, we broke up for the best, I thought we were happy, but I was wrong, and that's completely fine, anyways how's your songwriting coming along?" I asked him, still grinning, and I thought my cheeks would've started hurting by now.

"Oh, uh it's good, and congrats on your promotion." He avoided eye contact with me, at first, but then our eyes met.

"Thanks, well I have to go, I keep Alex company on his lunch break, and after that I got to get back to work, but it was great seeing you." I told him, noticing Alex slipping into a booth with my tea and muffin, along with his own.

"Yeah, great seeing you too." He awkwardly said, trailing off, waving and walking out of the cafe.

"Who was that?" Alex asked, as I sat down across from him.

"No one important babe." I smiled as I reached over and kissed his cheek.

"A ex, right?" He asked, looking down insecurely.

"Yeah, but he cheated, and I have you now, speaking of which, I'm off early tonight, wanna come over and watch something, like the new spiderman?" I asked him, and he gave me a 'shut up' look.

"You didn't! You did! You got it! Yes! I'll come over." He squealed, I know he goes crazy for marvel.

"Great I'll get the gummy bars and sour patch kids." I smiled at him, and he nodded.

"And I'll get the coke for you, and root beer for me." He grinned back.

Not everything ends badly, some lead to great things and new adventures.

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