The mirror and Sam?

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Slenderman's POV:
I was in the Mansion with Sally, Jeff, Jane, Ben, Masky, Hoodie, Ticci Toby, LJ, EJ, and my 3 brothers.
The others were off on vacation with the operator till Christmas. Then out of the blue while I was sitting in my chair a bang came from the doors, everyone stared at the door and I just stood up to answer it ready to kill who ever was behind it. I opened the door quickly and to my surprise their was nobody, but their was a package on the ground with no name of who it belonged to. Now that I think about it, I felt no one walking around in my woods, not even now.
"Who ordered this?" I asked everyone that was all in the living room surprised. No one answered so I took it a no one. I brought it inside and started to open it letting my curiosity get the better of me.
"Are you sure sir? It might be a trap or trick!" Masky almost yelled but I can understand where he is coming from.
"I don't think it is Masky." I say back.
"Oh! I wonder what's inside, don't you LJ?" Sally asked with a smile on her face while holding LJ's hand in one and Charlie in the other.
"Ya, I am pretty curious." LJ responds while eating his candy and giving one to Sally.
I finnish opening the box and it was just a mirror.
"A mirror?" Everyone asked each other.
I looked at the time and realised that we need to get to bed because I go by a curfew to be in bed by Dawn.
"Everyone go to bed and we'll figure out what to do with it in the morning!" I raised my voice just a little and everyone started heading to bed and before I did I leaned the mirror on the wall beside the door and then went to bed.

Sam's POV:
Slenderwoman just sent us to bed after we got a strange mirror. I woke up early because I wanted to see what it looked like since I didn't get a good look at it last time.
"Come on Charlie, your coming with me!" I whispered. I quietly tip toed down stairs and once a reached the bottom and ran the the mirror and it looked so pretty. I reached to touch it but I didn't, my hand just went right through.
"What the?" I asked my self.
I got curious and started walking forward through the mirror and I just ended up back in the living room. I chose to go back to bed and get some more sleep before Slenderwoman found out that I snuck out of bed. I walked quietly back up the stairs to my room but when I get it I was surprised to see you girl that looked just like me in my bed. I went to wake her up and see what she was doing.
I made my way to the bed and woke her up almost making her scream.
"What are you doing in my bed?"
"Your bed? This is my bed!"
"What do you mean?"
"We're in Slender mansion! Home of the infamous Slenderman!"
"I thought it was Slenderwoman?"
"Slenderwoman? Who's she?"
"Well, she's like my mom, she's tall and wears a black dress with a red tie and her proxies are Maska, Hooda, and Ticci Tory!"
We talked a little more about about what happened and figured out that I was in a opposite world where the genders we're switched.

Sally's POV:
I found out what that mirror did and I wanted to help Sam sense he is me. I also need to tell slender so he can help as well. Me and Sam came up with me plan where during breafest I would talk about us being different genders then he would come out of hiding and tell everyone the situation.
Morning came and everyone heard slender's voice yelling, "Breakfast!!!"
"Coming!" We all yell back.
"Remember to stay hidden till I give the signal, ok?"
"Yep!" He goes and hid under the couch before anyone could see him.
I ran to my set next to Slender and before I started eating my eggs when I asked, "What do you think are names would be and what would we look like if we all swapped genders?"
They look at me as if I'm crazy.
LJ speaks up, " Well if you want an answer then I'd say my name would me Laughing Jacky but I would wear a dress and would have longer hair."
Sam came out and giggled which got everyone's attention, "Yep, your spot on! Hi I'm Sam, the boy version of Sally!"
I ran to him and he told the story of how he got here and about the others. After the story the mirror glowed and out came 3 girls that I had to guess to be,
Please comments if you want more of this!

Genderbend Creepypasta The MirrorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora