Chapter 10- Surprise

Start from the beginning

"Thanks for having us. We're 'Beyond' and so glad that we could be here for such an amazing woman. We've heard a lot you about in just a short time, and I know that God is going to continue to bless all that you do. I've also been asked to say the prayer over our meal. Dear Lord, I want to thank you for bringing us all together here tonight. We especially want to pray for Christine, and continued guidance for her. Thank you for this generous meal and bless it to our bodies. Amen. Alright, head to the buffet line. We're going to throw on some music while we eat, we'll be back up shortly."

Jars of Clay started playing over the sound system, and I got up to get some food. Right away I was excited about the food options. It was all things I could eat, and smelled fantastic. I grabbed a plate and by the time I got to the end of the table, I couldn't fit anymore on it. My blackberry filled stomach seemed to miraculously open up and allowed me to eat more.

Dinner was delicious. Donna had outdone herself. I made a mental note to find her and thank her. I was stuffed. The band got back up and started playing, they were very good. It was mostly covers, but I was impressed by the fact that they seemed to always make it their own. I would have to check and see if they were available to play at our closing ceremony.

Eli finished eating and leaned in to me.

"Can I have this dance?"

What was I supposed to do?! My brain was screaming to run. To hide from everyone, especially him. But my body had other plans. I reached out and took his hand. He lead us to the middle of the dance floor and held my waist. Instinctively I wrapped my arms around his neck. At first it felt like we were at a middle school dance. I was stiff and held him at arms length. He quickly took the lead and pulled me closer. Other couples soon joined in the dancing. It was so perfect.

"I can't tell you how good it is to have you in my arms again."

Eli had put his forehead to mine and spoken as quietly as he could, over the music. It took my breath away.

"Thank you, Eli. For all of this. It's really too much. Far more than I deserve."

"Oh, sweetheart. You deserve so much more than this. If I could, I would take you anywhere in the world you would want to go and treat you to everything you've ever wanted."

His words were both incredible and a dagger to my heart. I looked in his eyes and prayed for strength.

"I can't tell you just how much that means to me. But Eli, I'm broken. There's no putting me back together. You deserve so much better. I wish you'd see that."

His lips were on mine in a blinding kiss. He wouldn't let me pull away and I truthfully didn't want to. All too soon he pulled back.

"Anytime you say something like that, I'm going to shut you up with a kiss."

"Maybe I should say it more often then."

He chuckled and kissed me again. As much as I wanted to keep things private between us, I found that I didn't care who saw. The rest of our guests floated into the background. He was all I could see, all I cared about, all I wanted.

His phone rang. He groaned while pulling it out of his pocket.

"Hello... Yes... Are you here for the party?... Ok, I'll open it, one sec."

After hanging up, he hit a few more buttons on his phone and then put it back in his pocket.

"Sorry about that. I have the front gate closed and someone was trying to get in. I have it linked to my phone, so whoever it is can get in now."

"That's pretty cool. I knew there was a gate, but I didn't even think about how people would get in when it's closed."

"Yeah, I prefer the added security. It's usually open during the day, so it's not foolproof, but it's way better than nothing. Now, where were we?"

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