Chapter 9- Sunday

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"When do you want me to take CeCe to our designated hiding spot?"

Megan had come up with a way to keep her away from the set up and surprise on the beach. Since her cabin was too close, we'd convinced one of my maintenance guys to show her his secret getaway, where he grows blackberries. I'd been there and it was a slice of heaven. It was also on the other side of the camp from the beach, so it couldn't have been more perfect.

"What time does her service let out?"

"Ummmm.... she goes to the 2pm one. So lunch will be before, then I can take her straight to the main building. After the service will be the place to catch her. She'll have on her swimsuit and cover up, which will be perfect for the party. So I just have to delay lunch long enough that she can't go back and change before 2 o'clock. Then George is meeting us when the service is over and he can easily take her the long way, plus berry picking time, then the long way back... 6pm party time!!!"

I honestly didn't think she took a single breath through all that. I was seriously impressed, not just with her lung capacity, but her scheduling skills. I knew that she prepared the class schedules, so I guessed that would take a lot of talent. I was still blown away with the number of classes they offer. How many ways can one say 'sex is good, but be careful with it'. Because it's what I heard every time. I couldn't judge though, I wasn't one the ones that signed up it (or even paid a ton of attention) and if they were getting good information, I was all for it.

"Okay Megan you've done a great job. But right now I need you to head to the pool and make sure she's not only there, but won't leave before lunch. Oh, and tell Darren if I catch him ogling at her again, he's fired!"

That got a big laugh, but it wasn't a joke. That kid had been staring at CeCe every time he was around her. So her in a bikini, plus him on duty, equaled his eventual death. Or unemployment.

Once I'd gotten the text from Megan that we were good to go, I called the guys over and got them setting up. There would be tables, string lights on poles, the 'bar', a band stage, and I even brought in a portable dance floor. I was assured that it worked well on a beach, I guess people used them at weddings, so it would make the night perfect. I'd wanted to dance with her since our first date at my place. Holding her in my arms had changed my life. Truly I didn't think there was any going back.

It took several hours to finish the initial setup, sand is not the easiest surface to work on. I was really glad I had most of the day. She would be just getting out of service, so I was getting stressed. I texted Megan to see how things were going. She said that service was running long, small miracles!

I called the caterer to get an ETA from them, then called Donna to check on the cake. Because of CeCe's allergy, I wanted to make sure she could eat her own birthday cake. I was assured that eggless wasn't too difficult and would taste great. There would be nothing at the party with egg, she shouldn't have to worry about it at all.

Once the food arrived and cake was delivered, I felt much better. Most of the camp knew what was planned and would attend. Megan assured me that it wouldn't be everyone, a lot of their guests preferred 'silent reflection'. Worked for me! If I didn't think she'd be upset about it, I would have had her all to myself. I knew she would rather be around her friends and guests.

I just hoped she would spend some time with me. I had so much to tell her.

Everything turned out better than expected! I was now super ready for her to get there. It would be a few hours before dark (stupid daylight savings time), but delaying past six was pushing it.

The last to arrive was the band, but they made it and got set up right before a text from Megan that they were almost there. I told the band to start playing.

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