"I swear I didn't notice your, um, attire till just now. Here's everything you'll need. I'll just sit outside until you're dressed. Sorry."

As mortified as I was, I found his stammering cute. I nodded but soon realized he couldn't see it.


It was all I could get out.

Once he walked out and the door was closed I let out the breath I didn't know I had been holding in. I carefully inched my way back into the bathroom and cleaned up the blood. I guess one good thing was it didn't ruin any of my clothes. Bright side, right?

After I was patched up, I went for my suitcase. I knew that I wanted to get out today, but wasn't sure where. A safe bet would be my swimsuit and cover-up. Not too risky to walk around in, but left my options open for relaxation. Once dressed, I squared my shoulders and opened the door.

"What do you want?"

I was being much colder than necessary, but it was my best defense. Or would it be offense?

"We need to talk. Now."

He started to walk back into the cabin, but I walked out. Stunned for a second, he shook his head and followed me.

"Fine, let's go to my place. It's cooler there anyway."

"No, I'm going out. So you can say whatever it is you need to say, then I'll be out of your way."

Courage, Stratton! Courage!

"This isn't going to be a one-way talk, CeCe. I said some pretty hard to admit stuff last night and I think I deserve the same from you."


"Fine, but I can't be couped up in there anymore, and I'm not going to your place. So, cafeteria? It's lunch time anyway."

I could tell he was thinking it over. I knew he wanted to be alone with me, but I couldn't do it. I wasn't strong enough.

"Fine. It's not too far from here."

After walking in awkward silence for about five minutes, we walked into blissful air conditioning. We apparently had the same idea as half the camp, because it was packed. The kitchen staff were busing tables the second people finished eating, but no body wanted to get up and leave. Switching to head counselor mode, I picked up a random glass and tapped it with a fork.

"Excuse me! Our wonderful kitchen staff is doing everything they can for us, and there are still a lot of people that need to eat. So, as nice as the air in here feels, if you're done eating, let the next group take your table. If you are in need of escape from the heat, check this week's schedule and attend a class. Thank you!"

I had made my voice loud and clear, which was something I had perfected over the years. It worked. Within minutes, everyone waiting was seated and even several staff thanked me. It felt good.

After finding a table, I got right back up and headed for the buffet line. I saw Eli waiting back at the table, putting in our drink orders. By the time he got in line, I was heading back. I avoided eye contact at all costs. How was I supposed to get through this?

"Is this seat taken?"

Mark. I've been dodging his advances for two years, and he just won't take a hint. Maybe I should have let him see me on the beach.

"Um... it is actually. Sorry, Mark. Maybe next time."

"You sure? You look like you could use a friend."

I hated that he could see that. Was I really that obvious?

"She said the seat is taken. Leave."

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