Chapter Twelve: Life Or Death

Start from the beginning

'Went to the canteen with Nina for food, brb -Sophia'

I let out a sigh.

I wish I had more time...

I looked back down at my phone taking a seat near the wall and spent about ten minutes after that staring at my phone. It was clear by then that he wasn't going to answer, but I kept watching it anyway.

"Forever" I heard a mumble from across the room.

My eyes immediately shot up to find the source but there was no one there. "Hello?" I called into thin air.

"Forever," They repeated, I noticed a movement from the bed and though it took me a moment, I realized mum was awake.

"Mum?" I asked in disbelief.

She slowly opened her eyes as I approached where she lay.

"Mel." She whispered. I didn't like the tone of her voice, she was so quiet and pale, and it was sickening.

Tear sprung to my eyes and I grabbed a hold of her hand, suppressing a sob as I said, "It's me mum, I'm here."

Her head turned to look at me and straight away I knew something wasn't right.

Her green eyes had lost all their brilliance and were now turning dark grey in colour.

"I'm dying Mel." She stated, confirming my previous feeling.

I shook my head violently, tears streaming down my face. "No. No, you're not. You're going to be fine."

"Sweetie, look at me."

I managed to bring my gaze to her eyes, and that action alone caused me to sob.

"I love you and I want you to always be great. Never hold back, not for me or anyone-"

"What are you saying?!" I cried hysterically, "Stop!"

It felt like she was tearing my heart out from her words alone. It was clear now she had given up any hope of fighting and was willing to accept death.

"You are smart; you are kind, you are important." She quoted the movie, 'The Help." It had always been my favourite book and movie, hers too, it was one of the things we had in common, one of our favourite things to watch or read together.

I shook my head again, looking away from her lifeless eyes.

"I need you to remember that even when I'm gone," Her eyes began to close and her voice became a mere whisper, "I'll be with you forever."

I shook her hand, then her arm and in turn, her entire body but she wouldn't move. A second later I heard a beeping sound and I looked up to see the monitor had flat lined.

I glanced back to the door and caught a flash of something.

Was that...? No. It couldn't be.

I shook the thought away immediately. He died. I saw it... I caused it. All of it.

I ran to the door and started screaming for help.

Footsteps were audible as a nurse, 3 doctors and two very scared looking girls rounded the corner towards me.

I watched helplessly as they shocked her, performed CPR and pretty much tried everything to revive her for 10 minutes.

My eyes burnt with tears when I saw one turn the monitor off and someone say the dreaded words, "Time of death."

My world came crumbling down around me as I fell to the floor and sobbed.

I felt a thud beside me and raised my head just far enough to see a historical Nina in the same position as me.

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