Chapter 6- Breakfast

Start from the beginning

"I'd love for you to come by and attend some classes though. I usually drop in to a few, just to keep my teachers on their toes. I only have to leave if I get a call with an issue. Which happens, but so far things are running smoothly. Honestly the open hours for meals has been a Godsend! It's made our job so much easier."

Well, that's good to hear. Seeing what a shit storm that was.

"I'm so glad. Tell you what, I'll head that way and drop in to the cafeteria. I can meet up with you and check in on my staff too."

"That sounds perfect. I was heading that way anyway, I need coffee!"

I wanted to find out what her favorite breakfast was, for the day I could finally make it for her.

"I'll be there in a few."

After hanging up, I changed the name of the number I'd saved in my phone to the business line. That way I knew not to call that one first, or send inappropriate texts to that phone. Although, that would be kind of fun. Megan seems like the kind of person that would appreciate them.

I got to the cafeteria at 8am, so right in the middle of breakfast. I spotted Donna, my head chef through the kitchen window. She looked flustered and ready to pop a blood vessel. So, before looking for CeCe, I headed into the kitchen.

"I am never agreeing to this again! It's going to give me an ulcer! I only have a short window between meals to prepare food for more than over 300 people. My staff is overworked and need a break."

Donna laid into me as soon as she saw me walk through the door. Her round figure and Mexican accent made her all the more fun. I adored her! She was a total mother figure for me.

"Okay, first of all, try to breathe. Secondly, didn't I give you the green light to bring in extra people?"

"I've brought in as many people as I could find, it's still not enough. There are constant requests for certain foods to add to the buffet, constant drink orders, constant headaches! We can't bus the tables fast enough for them. We get huffs and puffs all day long. If they would just take advantage of the full two hours, it wouldn't be such a pain, but as you can see, everyone shows up at the same time!"

The sound of a tray hitting the floor turns my attention away from the now fuming chef. CeCe was standing just inside the kitchen and obviously leaned against the counter, knocking over the tray. Thankfully it had been empty.

"You! Get out of my kitchen. Who do think you are?!"

"Woooaaahhh Donna! This is Christine Stratton, the leader of the camp. She has every right to check in with you."

Donna turned and walked away, which I knew was her attempt at peace. It was better than her going off on someone.

"I'm so sorry, Eli! I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I was looking for you and I heard yelling."

"Don't even worry about it. Donna's harmless, she likes to bark, but there's no bite. Thankfully for us, she's a pro when it comes to bulk meals."

"Yes! I've actually been meaning to compliment her on the food. Everyone is enjoying it, truly."

I could tell she was uncomfortable, not wanting me to know how much of the conversation she'd heard.

"Let me see what I can do to hire more kitchen staff. I'm sure I can..."

"No, please. This is my group and I will make sure more people spread out their meal times. It's the least I can do."

I hated to admit it, but I fully agreed with her. Hiring more on my end would put us deeper in the hole. I just felt I needed to make the offer.

"Care to see if any tables are open? I hear the buffet is delicious."

Another giggle escaped her lips and it took everything in me not to pull her into the storage closet.

We went back out to the dining area and noticed that the crowd had lessened a bit. So we headed to the buffet and grabbed some plates. She grabbed bacon, toast, and that's it. Confusion etched my face as I looked at her plate.

"I'm allergic to eggs. Which is in almost every breakfast food."

Ah, shit.

"I can talk to Donna, see if she can make you..."

"Don't you dare! She's already upset with me, I don't want her to hate me even more! I'm fine with this, so far all the bread here has been egg-free, so I know I'm safe with the toast. I've lived with it my whole life, so I know what I can and can't eat. Although I do keep an epi-pen on me at all times, just in case. Sometimes Benadryl is enough if it's a small amount... like shortcake."


"Why didn't you tell me?! I could have killed you!"

"Because it's my favorite. My Mom would always try to make it without eggs, but it never came out right. So, I only eat of rare occasions, and take a pill straight after. I had to take two last night, but it was sooo worth it."

The smile on her face was brilliant. I guess if she's dealt with the allergy forever, she would know what would hurt her. I just can't stand the thought of putting her in pain.

"I'm glad I didn't kill you."

"Me too."


After breakfast, I walked the grounds with her. Occasionally pulling her into the trees and stealing a kiss, or ten. It was by far the hottest thing I've ever done, and that's saying a lot. I have no idea why just making out with her is better than half of my past sexual encounters. Then to spend most of the day hiding out and exploring each other, made for an incredible day.

We never did make it to any classes, which I know she felt bad about, but not bad enough to stop. Although any time we came across a guest, she let go of my hand and turned on her professional face. I was both annoyed and turned on. Corporate CeCe is sexy as hell.

"Are you coming over for dinner tonight?"

"Is that a good idea? I don't want to lead you on, really. I know you said that you would go slow, but I know more than anyone how frustrating holding out can be for a man."

The change in her expression clued me in that she was thinking of him.

"Hey, I'm not your ex. As much as I want to be with you, I won't push you and I would never hurt you."

She started crying. Dammit! I swear if I ever find out who this douchebag is, I'm not sure I could keep myself from beating the shit out of him.

"Please don't cry. If I said something to upset you, I take it back."

"No, you said all the right things. It's just, I never thought I would find someone that... I'm not even sure what to say. ... Thank you."

She looked up at me and my heart broke in two. How is it possible to have such strong feelings for someone I've known for only a few days?!

"CeCe, I'm gonna kiss you now, and I don't give a shit who sees us."

I took her face in my hands and kissed her deep. I could taste her tears, so I tried to wipe them away without breaking the kiss. Eventually we both needed to breathe, so I pulled back and held her forehead to mine.

"Eli? Watch your language."

The grin on her face told me she was kidding, with a hint of seriousness. All I could do was go in for another kiss.

I was becoming a huge fucking sap.

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