
My heart was pounding through my chest. How was this happening? I had totally given up on finding someone, why does he have to be so damn sweet, and hot?! And meeting on the beach?! I knew there was a man-made beach on the lake, just opposite his house. It was small, but more than sufficient for outdoor activities. There was a volleyball net, a designated swim zone, and a rental shop for everything from boats to sun umbrellas. It was a big selling point and even swayed the decision to book the grounds.

But could I really have a romantic walk on the beach? With Eli?! I had to talk to Megan. I pulled out my cell and sent her a text, asking where she was. I knew she didn't have any classes today, we always made sure to never schedule classes on the same day. This way one of us was always available to help.

She texted back that she was in the cafeteria eating dinner. Perfect, I was starving. I had skipped lunch to prepare for my afternoon class, which consisted of me trying to get Eli out of my head, so I could focus on the task at hand. It didn't work.

I made my way there and found her surrounded by men, not surprising. I swear shes like a fly trap and men are powerless to her beacon. Even with that, I knew she was always extremely professional during our camps. But I'm pretty sure she leaves with more numbers at the end of each night than there are men. It wouldn't surprise me.

"Pardon me, gentlemen. Could I borrow your teacher for a moment?"

At the word 'teacher' most of them squirmed. Yeah, that's right. Keep it in your pants fellas.

"What's up, sweetie?"

"Read this."

I handed her the letter that I hadn't realized I was gripping tightly. Once she straightened it back out she scanned it's contents.

"Holy Hottness!!! He's so great! Please tell me you're going!"

"I want to, but I need to focus on the camp! So far I've been a mess, and it's all because of him! I can't concentrate, which, you know, is just not me. What am I gonna do?"

Megan put her hands on my shoulders and made me look her in the eyes.

"I'll tell you what you're going to do. You are going to the beach at 9 o'clock and drop the excuses. We have an excellent staff and can make do if we need to. You know I don't use this card often, so when I do, I mean it. I'm just as big a part of this as you. I can handle it, just like you've done for me when I need it. I'm not saying shack up with him for the whole month, I'm saying don't worry about the camp for night. It's in good hands, and you know it."

I had to pick my jaw off the floor! I don't think she's ever talked to me like that. She's a joker, not bossy. I was blown away by her candor.


"Wait, really? Fine?"

I softened and even allowed myself to smile. I took her in my arms for a huge hug. I loved my bestie, and this just made me love her more.

"I'll go. But you have to promise me that you'll text me with any problems. It's still early, anything could come up."

"I will not promise that. I know you took last night off and feel responsible for tonight, but I refuse to let you deny yourself a fun night with the first guy you've liked since high school! Sex might be a long way off for you, but fun isn't. Go and maybe just have a good old fashioned make-out session."

I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Ugh! Okay! If you insist."

With that we grabbed some food and went over the days classes. It was nice to set aside my anxiety over the night to come.

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