"Ma'am.....your son's leg is now okay!" I said with a happy voice. "R-really?! Is it?" "yes it's fine now. Just make sure he stretches and exercise the leg." "okay. Come on calem." he then got off the bed and walked out with his mother while wobbling like a newborn deer. He then turned around and smiled at me and said with a cute voice. "Thank you doctor williams! " "Aw your welcome sweetie!" he then ran and caught up with his mom. I can't wait till kai gets that age.
"You really are good aren't you?"
I turned around to see ryan in his scrubs and doctors jacket. He's a snack in scrubs too!
Janelle: Ryan! Hey!
I then gave him a hug.
Ryan: Hey mia bella. Did you miss me?
Janelle: Yeah I did! How's your family doing? Are they okay?
Ryan: Yes they're alright. Thank you for asking. How's zoey and kai?
Janelle: They're fine.....but there dad came to see them.
Ryan: Really?
Janelle: Yeah and it's.....it's just shocking to me. I don't know what to do.
Ryan: I see.....do you wanna talk about it over dinner.
Janelle: Uh if we go to a restaurant then your paying.
Ryan: *laughs* yes I know. I will do that.
Janelle: And besides we've also have business to attend to anyway. Meaning we have paperwork to dissus about.
Ryan: We're is that 'paperwork' then?
He says while grabbing my thigh. But then removed his hand. I don't think I can do that to him. I know we're on a rocky road but I....I wanna work things out with him. I really do. My gut says no but my heart says yes.
Janelle: Haha very funny. Follow me to my office.
Ryan: Lead the way.
I then walked to my office and he followed.


We soon were at heroffice door and and unlock the door thus opening it up.
Janelle: Come on in.
Ryan: Thank you.
I then come in and janelle headed to her paperwork shelf to find the documents. I was looking around to see pictures of her kids, friends, family. Until I see a picture of her with a baby and a man. A asian man that looks familiar. I then picked to picture up and asked her with a curious look.
Ryan: Who's this?
She then looked my way and saw I had the picture.
Janelle: Oh that's me, zoey and her father.
Ryan: Oh. What's his name?
Janelle: Why? Are you jealous? She said teasingly.
Maybe.....but he looks familiar.
Oh then his name is tatsuo. Tatsuo takahashi.
I then was shocked and my eyes felt like they we're about to pop out. How'd the hell did he get a chocolate beauty like this?! And on top of that he got her pregnant and made some pretty children! But me and janelle's would look beautiful. Damnit! He just loves pissing me off huh?! The bastard gets all the hot girls but he crossed the line at janelle.
I always observed her in college. I'd always stalk her and watch her. I was obsessed with her and I still am. I always loved her from my 9th and 12th grade in high school to my years in college. I've always dreamed of being with her but I never had the balls to ask her out so I would either watch her or have my men follow her every move, take pictures of her, collect everything she threw away, and etc. Yes I know I was a weird,creepy little shit but I was in love. Madly in love. I remember when I first had encountered her.


I was at an abandoned neighborhood and I was meeting up with a drug lord's henchmen. (He was 18 at the time)
Henchman 1: So boss said to just give up. You've got nothin on him.
Ryan: Well you see my friend that's where you're wrong. I have this.
I pulled out files of evidence that he's smuggling drugs into the new york harbor. They all looked shocked to the evidence and I put them back into my bag.
Ryan: So you see gentlemen.....if word goes out other fellow drug lords then they'll bee stealing your business, money, and drugs too. And I asume he doesn't want that does he? I said with a evil smirk.
Henchman 2: Tch! Wh-What do you want in exchange for the evidence then?
Ryan: My money of course. Your leader owes me over $120,000 and I want it back immediately.
The men looked at eachother and nodded.
Henchman 1: Janelle! Bring it here.
A woman in all black came in here with a suitcase and stood beside them.
I was fixated with the dark brown goddess. her face was beautiful, her hair in a ponytail of braids, and her body was......sexy. From d cupped breast to a thick thighs and big ass. She then looked at me and smiled at me with a wink. My heart exploded just because of that.
Janelle hand him the case.
She then walked towards me. I'm nervous. I've went with alot of women but her......she's the one to make me feel some time of way.
She then came to my ear and whispered to me.
It's a trap. The money in here's fake and take this.
She gave me a folded piece of paper to me while turning around and walking back to them.
She helped me? Isn't she on their side? I then opened the paper and it was a location of where their boss is at.
She then pulled a gun from her breasts and shot the two henchman.
Ryan: Wh-why did you shoot them?!
I shouted at her with a angry tone.
She then pulled out a recorder from her pocket and tossed it to me.
Janelle: They're stunt devils that look like them. They're not really them. The man would never send his best two guards on missions like these.
Ryan: How do you know that?
Janelle: I've seen it.
She then walks away and opens her car door.
Ryan: Wait! Wh.....what's your name ma'am?
Janelle: You've got balls asking a random girl her name.
Ryan: I've always got the balls......besides I've seen girls like you.
Janelle: Girls who kill or black girls?
Both. But you have something about you that I like. So what's your name?
Janelle: Haha! I like you already. Name's Janelle Williams. You?
Ryan: Ry......rynello davids.
Janelle: your last name sounds familiar.
Ryan: Oh then you must be referring to my brother ryan. He in college
Janelle: Oh I see but.....Ryan and rynello. Seriously?

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