Day 7 - A4WF

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Hello, reader.

I've been meaning to get back to but i've been so busy with wedding planning and such..

Oh, I haven't told you!
The surprise Dark had for me was a beautiful ring and a heartfelt note.

In this world, we're happy.
If you ever feel the need to escape, you can always dream about being where i am now...
Engaged to Darkiplier, and living with a mad scientist and Markiplier.

Dr.Madison Aleman moved in when the wall was fixed, although 'everything' returned to normal, her lab was swallowed whole, losing her lifes work and evidence of the wall.

Luckily, Jamison the rat and Mako the pig were saved, and now we have a pet rat and house pig that like to set things on fire...

The doctor and Markiplier have gotten closer together, talking about science practices and other nerdy stuff. They'd be cute together.

Anyways, this is a ramble.
Updates soon to come from me!


The other you.

(A4WF- After 4th Wall Fix)

shh.. They'll hear you. (Darkiplier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now