Part 10. "It feels good to be back."

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~ A week after Mark took over ~

Everything was just... awkward. Every time you looked at Mark, you wished in your heart his eyes would go back to black..

You missed Dark. Of course, Mark wasnt that bad but, Dark was the one you fell for.

"This is so... weird." You sighed, as you sat on the couch next to Mark. "Its like one week I'm cuddling on the couch with Dark, and the next I'm sitting on the couch with a completely different person in the same body." You sighed.

"Y/N, I understand your confusion." Mark sighed, he looked at your face full of sadness and sat up. "I have an idea though.. It'll be a lot of pain and money, but I think its worth it."

You looked at Mark, confused and scared. "What are you talking about?" You questioned, concerned.

"Well, I know this person, and if you want me to be completely honest, they're a freaking genius. She's the worlds best biomedical engineer and psychologist. She's going to help me. She's going to help us."

"Mark, what are you talking about?" You looked into his brown eyes.

"You'll see," He says mysteriously, he pulls out his phone and walks out of the house to call someone.

What is he doing? Who is he calling?

~ 30 minutes later ~

You hear a knock on the door and open it to find a grinning face of a woman with glasses, she was short in stature and she held out a hand.

"Hello! I'm Dr. Aleman, but you can call me Madison. I'm here for the operation!" She grinned shaking your hand. Behind her, two human sized capsules sat on trolleys with a large control pad in the middle. The more you looked at her and the tubes the more your heart rate picked up.

"I sense anxiety in you. Don't worry! This wont be used on you! May I come in?" She smiled and pushed through the door, wheeling the tubes and control pad in. She pulled them down the basement stairs and set them up.

You stood in awe as you watched this tiny woman carry this 2 ton objects up and down stairs with ease.

"Uh... What are you doing here?" You ask as you watch her fingers move quickly across the control pad.

"Well, my deary, I was asked by Mark, one of my patients, to do an experiment that will change his and your life forever!" She smiled widely. She definitely fit the crazy scientist stereotype.

Her labcoat went to her knees, she wore old leggings and sneakers under her coat, her shirt had a cat on it and she had stray cat hair across her jacket.

"Dr. Aleman! So great to see you! Are we almost ready?" Mark smiled as he walked down the stairs.

"Yes! Please step into the emancipation tube and we'll get started!" She smiled, Mark followed her orders and stood in the tube as a glass top closed him in.

"What is this going to do?" You ask, your voice shakes with fear as Mark gives her the signal for her to go.

"Okay so, what we're going to do here is we're going to take Marks Deoxyribonucleic acid, mutate it and clone him, then take the essence of his mind, which so happens to be his other personality, and put it into the clone! Then, Mark wont have to suffer, and Dark will have his own body." Madison chuckled and wiped a tear from her eye. "Its illegal and beautiful science!" She slammed down a lever, Mark screamed in pain.

"WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?? WHY IS HE SCREAMING!?" You grab Madison by the shoulders.

"Don't worry! Its what supposed to happen! ... I think.."

"You think?!?! Why don't you know?!" You got more concerned and angry as Marks screams got louder.

"This is the first time i've tried the experiment! I've only tested on plants! Takes too long for animal permits to get notarized, ya know?" She lightly chuckled but you could tell she was scared.

You let go of her and stared at Mark, the screaming stopped and he looked unconcious. At least he cant feel pain anymore...

You watched the other tube as a full body of nerves are created. Its like its printing a human body in front of your eyes!

"Beautiful, isn't it? You get to see the things you'd never think you would. Science is amazing." Madison stood next to you, watching in awe as her creation finishes. "Its almost ready." She smiled and clapped her hands together.

"What about Mark? Will he be okay?" You looked down at her, she looked at you and smiled.

"Yes, he'll be awake as soon as the other body is created." She patted your hand reassuringly. "Dark will be finished with full memory, so he'll remember everything you two have done. I'm happy to say that nothing has changed." She smiled.

You felt a wave of relief. The clone was almost done, clothing was being sprayed onto him, the same clothes that Mark was wearing.

"Annd, done!" Madison smiled, she unlocked the tubes, the glass slowly opened. Mark and Dark both emerged out of the tubes.

"I-I... Can't believe it." You gasped. You ran to Dark and hugged him. You were crying because you thought you would never see him again.

"Hey sweetheart." He laughed and hugged back. "It feels good to be back."

You watch as Mark lifts up Madison. "You did it, Doctor! You cured me! I'm finally alone in my body!"

"Ah, well, science doesn't disappoint!" She laughed.

~ After settling in with the new yet old addition ~

You waved to Madison as she drove off with her car and trailer.

"I'm so happy you're back Dark.. And this time, all mine." You winked. He smirked.

"Yeah babe. All yours." He winked back and grinned. He pulled you to his chest and put his arms around your hips.

"Uhh, yeah so. I'm gonna go do dinner i guess." Mark awkwardly shuffled away into the kitchen.

You and Dark laughed.

A new life has just begun with these two, and its a great life, indeed.

A/N- This is the end... or... is it? *evil laughing* Okay, anyways. :D Comment what you guys think what'll happen!

shh.. They'll hear you. (Darkiplier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now