Part 15. 'What else is going on?'

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— beware; fourth wall breaks —

-Marks P.O.V-

I woke up in a... well, i'm not sure. It looks like a living room?

"Where am I?" I ask, a smiling teen girl jumps in front of me.

"Guys! He spoke! OMG! His voice is soooo dreamy." She swooned and stared into my eyes.
5 other people surrounded me with the same look.

"I uh.. Where am I exactly?" I asked again, I noticed i was zip tied to a chair and I looked around more.

Who were these people?

"Oh! You're at my house. This is my living room, theres the kitchen, and theres THE Markiplier in my house! Ah!"

She squealed and grabbed my hand. "You feel like how I imagined you did."

She smiled widely and smelled my shirt. "And you smell like how i said in my fanfiction! Its literally true love." She smiled,
but was pushed out of the way by what looked another woman.

"Leave him alone, Audrey. He's all mine." The woman grinned and sat in my lap, flaunting her body.

"Get off of me!" I started to thrash and yell. "What the hell is this?"

"You're with us now!" Another person spoke up, they patted my head and smiled widely,
"You're not leaving either." The girl grinned. "I'm Mathena, I'll be here to talk."

"I'm Audrey, I'll be here to watch." The prior girl grinned. She was the one who smelled me?

"I'm Mac, I'm here to feed you." Another girl cheerfully smiled.

"I'm Faelecia, I'm here to please you." They winked.

"And I'm Kaylee, I'm here to bathe you." They blushed and looked down.

"This is fucking insane." I stated. "Wheres Dark and Y/N?" I asked, hoping they arent here too.

"Shit! I told you to grab them too, Kaylee! Now they'll notice he's gone." Faelecia yelled. Kaylee slowly sunk down, and started to look embarrassed.

"Here." Audrey handed me a phone, "Call Y/N or Dark, tell them you're safe." I grabbed the phone and dialed Y/N.

"Heyyy, Y/N. This is Mark. I'm fine, this place is just Funky Town, haha, okay, talk to you later." I finished, hoping she got the message.

-Your P.O.V-

Your phone started to ring and you pick it up on the first ring. "Hello? Mark? Oh god are you okay?"
"Heyyy, Y/N, This is Mark. I'm fine, this place is just Funky town, haha, okay, talk to you later."

He hung up, and you knew why. "Motherfucker. Marks been kidnapped." You told Dark.

"Why is it that kidnapping is so normal? I mean, seriously, its happened twice in the matter of 15 Chapters." Dark rolled his eyes and sighed. "Lets GPS the phone number and get him, I guess."

You pulled up an app to gps where the last signal was from. It was from a house in the outskirts of New York City, a very suburban area with a few schools. "Great. A bunch of teenage girls kidnapped him." You sighed. You grabbed Darks hand and left the mall and got into the car. He held your hand in the passenger seat and talked.

"You know, I dont understand how we get into these types of situations honestly. I'm a clone of someone whose kidnapped and now we're going to get him from crazed fans. I'm sure this isn't normal for someone." He said. "Can I have a normal day for once, please?"

"Don't talk down our lives, we're just stuck in a crazy world with crazy people who happen to be reading a fanfiction about my boyfriend who's technically the readers boyfriend so am I really who I say I am?"

"Woah, too deep, Y/N. We're almost there." Dark smiled and squeezed your hand.

The GPS stated to turn left, so you did, and you pulled up to a quiet house in the suburbs.


"Well, here goes nothin." You said and kicked open the door, you stared at the 5 girls surrounding Mark. "Party's over." You said.

You sighed and pushed the girls out of the way.

"Uhhmmm, what do you think you're doing?" Mac said, she grabbed your wrist.

"Yeah, who are you anyways?" Mathena grabbed your other wrist.

Kaylee walked up to you and put her hand on your face. "So you're the one i should have taken?"

"Get off of me!" You shouted and pulled.

"Alright, seriously?" Dark rolled his eyes and pushed all the girls off of you. "God damnit. This is getting old." He said as he ripped the ties off of Mark and gripped his shoulder.

"And where do you think you're going?" Mac said, she looked stern.

"Out of this crazy ass place." Dark stated and dragged you and Mark out of the house.


"Dark? What the hell?" Mark stated, confused and angry. "Those were like the only people that actually liked me."

"Mark are you fucking blind or just stupid. The doctor obviously likes you i mean Jesus christ how many chapters does it have to take to make it obvious." Dark said sternly as he got in the car.

You were blatantly confused. "Chapters?" You asked.

"Isnt it obvious? Look around you. Girls and guys at school staring down at us through screens, and some of them are sitting on their couch or their bed with their eyes glued to every word... or skimming through, whichever."

"What do you mean?" You look up.

Eyes meeting with yourself. "You're me? I'm.... you? what?"

"See? Isn't this just too weird? I mean damn if the author liked us we'd have a decently normal life" Dark rolled his eyes.

"I-I don't believe it.." You stated looking down, "Am I not real?"

"Not really. Only in the figments of the minds of teenagers across the world." Dark said, gesturing his hands.

"Damn." You said.

What else is going on?


Hi i dont know what a fourth wall is and neither does Dark.

Stay woke.

shh.. They'll hear you. (Darkiplier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now