Part 14. "M-Mark isn't safe.."

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Its started happening more often than normal...

People would always come up to Mark and ask for a picture or give warm smiles to him. It seems like Dr. Aleman's experiment worked.

"Let me tell you guys," Mark smiled with glee as he walked down the mall with you and Dark, "I feel like a million bucks! Everyone is always so happy to see me, or always wants to talk to me." His smile was wide and his eyes were brighter than ever. He walked with almost a skip of joy in his step.

"I'm so proud of you Mark, you're lucky to have someone like Dr. Aleman around." You smiled at him, but you got the gut wrenching feeling that something was bound to go south.

"Yeah, Mark." Dark noogied his twin, "Now we're both happy." He smiled as Mark brushed his hair back and lightly shoved him.

"Yeah, it feels great to finally see the world the way you guys see it." Mark smiled.

As you three walked into a store, you saw Mark get asked by someone for a picture, you and Dark just walked in without him knowing he'd find you.

After a few minutes, you wondered if Mark saw you guys go into the store. You heart started to race as you looked around the store.

He's gone. He's missing. He's been taken. He's...

Right in-front of you. Damnit, (Y/N), get a hold of yourself. He's fine. He's happy now!
You felt your phone start to vibrate in your bag and checked the caller ID; it was the Doctor. She must want to see how Mark is doing.

"Hey, Doc! Whats up?" You answer the phone with a smile, you start to hear crackling in the background as if she had bad service.

"Something...wrong..." Her reception is terrible, the phone starts to emit weird noises of static and high pitch beeps. "Mark...not safe..."

"Doctor? I can't hear you. Where are you?" Your heart starts to race as the noises get worse and you hear crashing through the line.

"Mark... Not safe... careful." The phone was disconnected with Dr. Alemans chilling words. She seemed to have been in a loud place with talking and yelling.

"Who was that, Cutie?" Dark came up to you and slid his arm around your waist. You were frozen in place.

"M-Mark isn't safe. We need to get him home." Your eyes stained with tears. Maybe this Doctor is doing more harm than good. You and Dark started the search for Mark throughout the store, as he had disappeared again.

"He's over in-front of the pretzel booth, see? He's fine." Dark smiled and brushed your hair through his fingers.

"He might be fine now, but Doctor Aleman said.." Before you could finish your sentence a loud shriek came from the other hall of the mall. Then a group of 100+ people started flooding towards Mark. "Mark!!" You scream and try to grab onto him, but the sea of people surrounded him. You couldn't tell where he was now, or if he was okay.

"He's mine you bitch!" A girl screamed at another.

"He's so hot! I want to take him home!" A guy squealed.

This was insane! Everything around you was chaos. You hear Mark start to yell, and eventually fall silent to the screams of fans around him.

After a while, the crowd finally disperses.. but... Mark?! Wheres Mark?!

"Mark?" You start to yell. "MARK!" You scream, no answer. Just a group of fans walking away and chattering.

"Wheres Mark? What the fuck. Oh my god." You start to hyperventilate.. Everything around you is becoming distant and your hearing is slowly dying. You start to feel dizzy and catch yourself. "Dark, oh my god. She was right. He's gone, we need to find him!"

"I'm sure we can find him, love. We just need to go to the place where this all started... The Lab."


Yes bitch, i am positive. HAPPY FALL EVERYONE! IM GONNA MAKE YOU PROBABLY CRY IN THE NEXT CHAPTER 💗 NO HARD FEELINGS!! also pls dont hate me; and thank for y'alls support!!

shh.. They'll hear you. (Darkiplier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now